Malachi 1 Quiz

This quiz is based on Malachi chapter 1 (KJV). All questions are compulsory. Do well to answer all of them before submission.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. What was the Israelites' response to God's love for them?
2. Whose brother is Esau?
3. What did God do to Esau out of the dislike He had for him?
4. What would God do if the Edomites tried to rebuild their habitation?
5. What derogatory name would be used to call the Edomites because of their misery?
6. What would be Israel's response to the desolation of Edom?
7. According to Malachi 1, what does a servant render to his master?
8. According to Malachi 1, what does a son render to his father?
9. According to Malachi 1, if God is a father, what does he demand from His children?
10. According to Malachi 1, if God is a master, what does He demand from His servants?
11. How would the heathens show reverence to God?
12. According to Malachi 1, because God had no pleasure in the Israelites, He                     .
13. What were the priests told to do so that God would be gracious to the Israelites?
14. How had the priests polluted God?
15. In contrast to the disregard for God's name in Israel, God's name would be great among                              .
16. What did God accuse the priests of?
17. How did Israel profane the name of God?
18. What did God accuse Israel of?
19. Who did God pronounce accursed?
20. According to Malachi 1, a person who has good things but sacrifices corrupt things to the Lord was referred to as what?
21. According to Malachi 1, what did God demand the priests to render to him?


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