Luke 21 Quiz

This quiz is based on Luke chapter 21. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. Why did Jesus say the widow gave more offering than the others?
2. According to Luke 21, which of these are the signs of the end of age?
3. What shall precede the signs of the end times?
4. Why should the believers not worry about what to say when brought before worldly authority?
5. Why will all men hate the believers?
6. What will be the sign that Jerusalem is about to be destroyed?
7. According to Jesus, if Jerusalem is about to be destroyed, what are you to do if you are in Judea?
8. According to Jesus, if Jerusalem is about to be destroyed, what should the inhabitants do?
9. Some inhabitants of Jerusalem, for some reason, are not in the city but have gone to the countryside. According to Jesus, if Jerusalem is about to be destroyed, what should they do?
10. According to Luke 21, when Jesus comes the second time, He shall appear in the clouds with what?
11. Which of these are some of the signs of the end of age?
12. How did the people of that time understand when they see trees sprouting leaves?
13. When would the signs of the end of age begin?
14. During the days before His arrest, what did Jesus do during the daytime?
15. According to Luke 21, where did Jesus go in the night to sleep?


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