Luke 20 Quiz

This quiz is based on Luke chapter 20. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. Which group of religious leaders asked Jesus to tell them the source of His authority?
2. Under what condition would Jesus tell the religious leaders the source of His authority?
3. Finally, what answer did Jesus give to the question about the source of His authority?
4. Why is it that the religious leaders could not say John's baptism was from man?
5. Why is it that the religious leaders could not say John's baptism was from God?
6. According to the parable of the vineyard, what did the tenants do to the servants who were sent to take the master's share of the fruits for him?
7. Why did the chief priests and the scribes want to arrest Jesus?
8. What hindered the chief priests and the scribes from arresting Jesus in the temple?
9. Why did the Jewish religious leaders set spies around Jesus?
10. Why is it said that God is not a God of the dead, but of the living?
11. Which religious leaders asked Jesus a question about the resurrection?
12. According to the parable, why did the owner of the vineyard send his son to the tenants to take his share of the fruits?
13. According to the parable, what was done to the son of the owner of the vineyard?
14. According to the parable, what would the Lord of the vineyard do to these tenants who have acted wickedly?
15. What was the response of the Jews when Jesus told them the parable of the vineyard?
16. According to Luke 20, which of the Jewish religious leaders did Jesus warn His disciples against?


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