What does Luke 17:11-13 mean?

11 And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: 13 And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. (Luke 17:11-13 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Observe here, 1. Though the Samaritans were bitter enemies to the Jews, and had been guilty of great incivility towards our Saviour, yet our Saviour in his journey to Jerusalem balks them not, but bestows the favor of a miracle upon them. Civil courtesy and respect may and ought to be paid to those that are the professed enemies of us and our holy religion.

Observe, 2. Though the leper by the law of God was to be separated from all other society, (God thereby signifying to his people, that the society of those that are spiritually contagious ought to be avoided,) yet the law of God did not restrain them from conversing with one another: accordingly these ten lepers get together, and are company for themselves. Fellowship is that we all naturally affect, though even in leprosy; lepers will flock together; where shall we find one spiritual leper alone? Drunkards and profane persons will be sure to consort with one another. Why should not God’s children delight in a holy communion, when the wicked join hand in hand?

Observe, 3. Though Jews and Samaritans could not abide one another, yet here in leprosy they accord; here was one Samaritan leper with the Jewish: common sufferings had made them friends, whom religion had disjoined. Oh, what virtue is there in affliction to unite the most alienated and estranged hearts?

Observe, 4. These lepers apply themselves to Christ the great Physician; they cry unto him for mercy, with respect to their afflictions; they jointly cry, they all lifted up their voice with fervent importunity.

Teaching us our duty to join our spiritual forces together, and set upon God by troops. Oh, holy and happy violence that is thus offered to heaven! How can we want blessings, when so many cords draw them down upon our heads?

BURKITT | Luke 17:1-2 | Luke 17:3-4 | Luke 17:5 | Luke 17:6 | Luke 17:7-10 | Luke 17:11-13 | Luke 17:14 | Luke 17:15-16 | Luke 17:17-19 | Luke 17:20-21 | Luke 17:22-25 | Luke 17:26-30 | Luke 17:31-32 | Luke 17:33-36 | Luke 17:37 |