What does Luke 10:23-24 mean?

23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: 24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. (Luke 10:23-24 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

From the very first giving out of the promise of Christ to Adam after the fall, Ge 3:15 There was in all good men a longing desire and expectation to see that person who should be so great a blessing to mankind. Prophets and kings desired to see the promised Messiah.

Now, says our Saviour to his disciples, Blessed are you, for you have seen with the eyes of your body what others only saw with the eyes of their mind; with your bodily eyes you have seen the promised Messiah coming in the flesh, and also the miracles to confirm you that I am he, have been wrought before your eyes; therefore blessed are the eyes of your body, which have beheld me corporally; and blessed also are the eyes of your mind, which have beheld me spiritually. A sight of Christ by a believing eye, much more by a glorified eye, is a blessed sight. Blessed are those eyes which see Christ in his dispensations of glory hereafter.

BURKITT | Luke 10:1 | Luke 10:2 | Luke 10:3-4 | Luke 10:5-6 | Luke 10:7-12 | Luke 10:13-15 | Luke 10:16 | Luke 10:17-18 | Luke 10:19 | Luke 10:20 | Luke 10:21-22 | Luke 10:23-24 | Luke 10:25-28 | Luke 10:29-37 | Luke 10:38 | Luke 10:39 | Luke 10:40 | Luke 10:41-42 | KJV Comm