The Lepers of Samaria quiz

This quiz is based on the event where the lepers of Samaria went to the camp of the Arameans, which is found in 2 Kings 7:3-10 NIV.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. What was the prospect of the lepers if they went into the city?
2. What was the prospect of the lepers if they stayed at the entrance of the city?
3. The lepers decided to go to the camp of the Arameans to                               .
4. What time of the day did the lepers go to the camp of the Arameans?
5. What sound did God cause the Aramean army to hear?
6. What did the Arameans think when they heard the sound?
7. What was the first thing the lepers did when they came into the Aramean camp?
8. What did the lepers take from the Aramean camp?
9. What was the fear of the lepers while enjoying what the Arameans left in their camp?
10. Who did the lepers decide to inform about the escape of the Aramean army?
11. Who did the lepers first inform that the Aramean army had run away and abandoned their camp?
12. The camp of the Aramean was quiet and abandoned. What was the only sound the lepers could hear there?
13. Why did the Aramean soldiers run away from their camp?
14. How many were the lepers of Samaria?


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