This quiz is based on Joshua chapter 3. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given.

1. From where did Joshua and the Israelites move to River Jordan?
2. How many days after their arrival at River Jordan were they informed that they would follow the ark of the covenant to cross the river?
3. The Israelites were to follow the ark but they were not supposed to come near it. What distance should be between the ark and the people?
4. Which people would help the Levites to transport the ark of the covenant across River Jordan?
5. Who did Joshua command to go and take the ark?
6. According to Joshua 3, which nations would lose their land to the Israelites?
7. Who were the last to cross River Jordan?
8. At what point did River Jordan stop flowing for the Israelites to cross?
9. The city of Adam was beside which city?
10. What was the first sign God used to prove that He was with Joshua as He had been with Moses?
11. Which of these nations did God give their land to the Israelites?


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