Jonah obeyed God quiz

This quiz is based on the story of Jonah found in Jonah 3:1-10 (NIV). NB: You may log in to save your score and track your progress.

1. According to the narrative, how many times has the word of God come to Jonah to go to Nineveh?
2. Nineveh was described as what?
3. How many days would it take to go through Nineveh?
4. On the day Jonah began preaching, how far did he go into the city?
5. How many days did God give the people of Nineveh to repent?
6. What was the reaction of the Ninevites when they heard Jonah's preaching?
7. What was the immediate reaction of the King of Nineveh when he heard the message Jonah preached?
8. Who had the people of Nineveh fast upon hearing the message of Jonah?
9. According to the narrative, the fasting was proclaimed for who?
10. What were the Ninevites supposed to do while fasting?
11. Who was supposed to wear sackcloth during the fast?
12. Apart from the fast, what else was every Ninevite supposed to do so that God would relent in destroying Nineveh?
13. The word of God Jonah preached in Nineveh was also referred to as what?
14. What word would you use to describe what happened in Nineveh when they heard Jonah's preaching?
15. Why did God relent in destroying Nineveh and its people?


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