Jonah 1 Quiz

This quiz is based on Jonah chapter 1 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. What was the name of Jonah's father?
2. What was Jonah's motive for fleeing to a different place?
3. Why did God send Jonah to preach to the people of Nineveh?
4. Where did Jonah intend to fee to?
5. Where did Jonah go to take a ship?
6. Who caused the tempest that disturbed the waters of the sea?
7. Amid the tempest, the ship was in what danger?
8. Why did they cast lots in the ship amid the tempest?
9. What did the owner of the ship tell Jonah to do?
10. When the cast lots, on whom did the lots fall?
11. What did the mariners do right before they threw Jonah overboard?
12. How would the tempest go away?
13. What question did the mariners ask Jonah when they got to know that the tempest has come upon them because of him?
14. Jonah said he was of which nationality?
15. Who suggested that Jonah should be thrown overboard?
16. How long did Jonah spend in the fish's belly?
17. What swallowed Jonah?
18. What did the mariners do to show their acknowledgment and reverence for God?


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