What does John 12:42-43 mean?

42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: 43 For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. (John 12:42-43 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Observe, 1. That though the generality of the Jews were thus hardened under Christ’s ministry and miracles, yet there were some, and those of the chief rank, even rulers, that did believe on him; that is, they were under strong and powerful convictions, that he was the true and expected Messias. Even in times and places where obstinacy and infidelity most prevails, the ministry of the word shall not be altogether without its fruit; Christ here had some, and those of the rulers too, who believed on him, when others under the same word were hardened; Nevertheless, among the chief rulers also, many believed on him.

Observe, 2. That though many of the chief rulers had a secret belief, or an inward persuasion, that Christ was the promised and expected Messias, yet it was not sufficient to make them openly own, confess, and avow, him to be such, for fear of excommunication from the Pharisees: They did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue. Slavish fear of men, and suffering by them, has hindered many from believing on Christ, and kept more from an open owning and confessing of him. Because of the Pharisees, they did not confess him.

Observe, 3. As the fear of suffering on the one hand, so the love of reputation on the other, kept them from owning and confessing Jesus to be the Christ; They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God; that is, they valued honour and applause from men, more than God’s honouring and approving them. There is no greater snare to draw persons from their duty, than inordinate love and affection to their own credit and reputation. Oh! how often is the applause and commendation of men preferred before the testimony and approbation of God! Here was their snare: They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.