John 1 Quiz

This quiz is based on John Chapter 1. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. What is the name of the man who was sent from God to bear witness of the light?
2. What power is given to those who believe in Jesus?
3. Which groups of religious leaders were sent by the Jews to inquire about who John the Baptist was?
4. What answer did John the Baptist give when he was asked about who he was?
5. What sign did God give John by which he could know the Son of God who baptizes with the Spirit?
6. What is the meaning of Rabbi?
7. What did John's two disciples do when they heard John call Jesus the Lamb of God?
8. One of the two disciples of John who followed Jesus was called?
9. What is the meaning of Messiah?
10. What is the name of Andrew's father?
11. In which region of Israel did Jesus find Philip and called him to become His disciple?
12. Which of these is Peter's brother?
13. According to John 1, what name did Jesus give Simon who was brought to Him by one of John's disciples?
14. Which of these words means a stone?
15. Andrew came from which city?
16. Who did Philip win for Christ?
17. Which of these disciples of Jesus were from the same town?
18. Who won Simon Peter for Christ?
19. To whom did Jesus say, "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!"
20. Who, upon hearing that Jesus comes from Nazareth, said, "Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?"


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