What is the meaning of John 1:10-11?

10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. 11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. (John 1:10-11 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

He was in the world, that is, he that was God from eternity, made himself visible to the world in the fulness of time. The evangelist repeats it again, that the world was made by him, to show his omnipotency and divinity; and then adds, that the world knew him not, as evidence of the world’s blindness and ingratitude.

Learn hence, That notwithstanding the eternal Son of God appeared in the world, and the world was made and created by him, yet the generality of the world did not know him;. that is, did not own and acknowledge him, did not receive and obey him. They neither knew him as creator, nor accepted of him as mediator. Yea, he came to his own; that is, his own kindred and country, the church and people of the Jews; but the generality of them gave him cold entertainment. It was the sin of the Jewish nation, that though they were Christ’s own peculiar people, his own by choice, his own by purchase, his own by covenant, by kindred, yet the generality of them did reject him, and would not own him for the true and promised Messias.

Learn hence, That the Lord Jesus Christ met with manifest and shameful rejection even at the hands of those that were nearest to him by flesh and nature, Neither did his brethren believe on him. John 11:1-45.

BURKITT | John 1:1-2 | John 1:3 | John 1: | John 1:4-5 | John 1:6-9 | John 1:10-11 | John 1:12 | John 1:13 | John 1:14 | John 1:15-18 | John 1:19-28 | John 1:29-30 | John 1:31-34 | John 1:35-36 | John 1:37-44 | John 1:45-47 | John 1:48-50 | John 1:51 |