Job Table of Contents

Chapter 1

  • Job’s Character and Wealth, Job 1:1-5
  • Satan Allowed to Test Job, Job 1:6-12
  • Satan Takes Job’s Property and Children, Job 1:13-22

Chapter 2

  • Satan Attacks Job’s Health, Job 2:1-10
  • Job’s Three Friends, Job 2:11-13

Chapter 3

  • Job Laments His Birth, Job 3:1-26

Chapter 4

  • Eliphaz: Job Has Sinned, Job 4:1-21

Chapter 5

  • Eliphaz: Job Is Chastened by God, Job 5:1-27

Chapter 6

  • Job Replies: My Complaint Is Just, Job 6:1-30

Chapter 7

  • Job: My Suffering Is Comfortless, Job 7:1-21

Chapter 8

  • Bildad Speaks: Job Should Repent, Job 8:1-22

Chapter 9

  • Job Replies: There Is No Mediator, Job 9:1-35

Chapter 10

  • Job Continues: A Plea to God, Job 10:1-22

Chapter 11

  • Zophar Speaks: You Deserve Worse, Job 11:1-20

Chapter 12

  • Job Answers His Critics, Job 12:1-25

Chapter 13

  • Job Defends Himself, Job 13:1-19
  • Job’s Despondent Prayer, Job 13:20-28

Chapter 14

  • Job Speaks of Life’s Woes, Job 14:1-22

Chapter 15

  • Eliphaz Accuses Job of Folly, Job 15:1-35

Chapter 16

  • Job Reproaches His Pitiless Friends, Job 16:1-22

Chapter 17

  • Job Prays for Relief, Job 17:1-16

Chapter 18

  • Bildad Speaks: God Punishes the Wicked, Job 18:1-21

Chapter 19

  • Job Trusts in His Redeemer, Job 19:1-29

Chapter 20

  • Zophar’s Sermon on the Wicked Man, Job 20:1-29

Chapter 21

  • Job’s Discourse on the Wicked, Job 21:1-34

Chapter 22

  • Eliphaz Accuses Job of Wickedness, Job 22:1-30

Chapter 23

  • Job Proclaims God’s Righteous Judgments, Job 23:1-17

Chapter 24

  • Job Complains of Violence on the Earth, Job 24:1-25

Chapter 25

  • Bildad Speaks: Man Cannot Be Righteous, Job 25:1-6

Chapter 26

  • Job Replies: God’s Majesty Is Unsearchable, Job 26:1-14

Chapter 27

  • Job Maintains His Integrity, Job 27:1-23

Chapter 28

  • Job’s Discourse on Wisdom, Job 28:1-28

Chapter 29

  • Job’s Summary Defense, Job 29:1-25

Chapter 30

  • Job’s Wealth Now Poverty, Job 30:1-31

Chapter 31

  • Job Defends His Righteousness, Job 31:1-40

Chapter 32

  • Elihu Contradicts Job’s Friends, Job 32:1-22

Chapter 33

  • Elihu Rebukes Job, Job 33:1-33

Chapter 34

  • Elihu Proclaims God’s Justice, Job 34:1-37

Chapter 35

  • Elihu Condemns Self-Righteousness, Job 35:1-16

Chapter 36

  • Elihu Proclaims God’s Goodness, Job 36:1-23
  • Elihu Proclaims God’s Majesty, Job 36:24-33

Chapter 37

  • God’s Works and Wisdom, Job 37:1-24

Chapter 38

  • The Lord Answers Job, Job 38:1-41

Chapter 39

  • God Continues to Challenge Job, Job 39:1-30

Chapter 40

  • God’s Power and Wisdom, Job 40:1-2
  • Job’s Response to God, Job 40:3-5
  • God’s Challenge to Job, Job 40:6-24

Chapter 41

  • God’s Power in the Leviathan, Job 41:1-34

Chapter 42

  • Job’s Confession and Repentance, Job 42:1-6
  • The Lord Rebukes Job’s Friends, Job 42:7-9
  • The Lord Restores Job’s Fortunes, Job 42:10-17
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