Jesus walks on the water quiz

This quiz is based on the story of Jesus walking on the water. Which is found in Matthew 14:22-33 NIV.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. Though Jesus made his disciples get into the boat to cross the lake, he stayed behind to                                   .
2. Where did Jesus go to pray?
3. At what time did Jesus go out to reach His disciples on the lake?
4. What did the disciples think when they saw Jesus walking on the water?
5. How did Peter find the courage to start walking on the water?
6. Why did Peter start sinking while walking on the water?
7. Who saved Peter when he began to sink while walking on the water?
8. What did Peter say when he began to sink?
9. What did the disciples do when Jesus boarded the boat after walking on the water?
10. While Peter was walking on the water, what caused Him to become afraid?


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