Jesus raises Lazarus to life quiz

This quiz is based on the event of Jesus raising Lazarus from death, recorded in John 11:17-45 NIV.
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1. By the time Jesus arrived at Bethany, Lazarus had been buried in the tomb for how many days?
2. What was the distance of Bethany from Jerusalem?
3. Why did Martha leave the house to meet Jesus?
4. What was the first thing Martha said when she met Jesus after the death of Lazarus?
5. What did Jesus say in response to Martha’s first statement?
6. According to the narrative, what did Jesus claim to be?
7. Martha had hope that                                  .
8. According to the narrative, what will become of those who die in Christ?
9. According to the narrative, who will never die?
10. Martha confessed her faith that                            .
11. Who called Martha's sister, Mary, for Jesus?
12. Why did the mourners follow Mary when she left home quickly?
13. What was the first thing Mary said when she met Jesus after the death of Lazarus?
14. What made Jesus weep?
15. Why did the Jews think Jesus loved Lazarus dearly?
16. What were Jesus’ critics saying when Jesus wept at Bethany?
17. The tomb in which Lazarus was buried was described as what?
18. When Jesus told them to remove the stone at the entrance of Lazarus' tomb, what did Martha say to counter it?
19. Before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, what did he do?
20. What did Jesus do to raise Lazarus?
21. After Lazarus was raised, what did Jesus tell them to do for him?
22. What did the raising of Lazarus to life bring about?


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