Jesus forgives and heals a paralytic quiz

This quiz is based on Mark 2:1-12 NIV.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. How many men were carrying the paralyzed man?
2. Why couldn't those carrying the paralyzed man go through the door to Jesus?
3. What did the men do to get the paralyzed man they were carrying to Jesus?
4. Why did Jesus forgive the paralyzed man of his sins?
5. What did the teachers of the law think of Jesus when He forgave the paralyzed man of his sins?
6. What did Jesus know in His spirit during His encounter with the paralyzed man?
7. According to the story, Jesus has the authority to do what?
8. How did Jesus heal the paralyzed man?
9. The paralyzed man was being carried on what?
10. Where did Jesus heal the paralyzed man?


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