Jesus feeds the multitude quiz

This quiz is based on the event where Jesus fed 5000-plus people with a few loaves of bread. This is found in John 6:1-13 NIV.
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1. Why did a great crowd of people follow Jesus?
2. Where did Jesus go to sit with his disciples before the crowd came around?
3. Which disciple did Jesus ask, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”?
4. Why did Jesus ask one disciple, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”?
5. How much money would it take to feed the crowd that was with Jesus?
6. Which disciple revealed that a boy had small barley loaves of bread and fish?
7. How many men were fed by Jesus miraculously?
8. How many loaves and fish did the boy have?
9. What did Jesus do before distributing the bread and fish to the people?
10. The pieces of bread and fish left after the people had eaten were enough to fill                            .


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