Compiled by HY. PICKERING


The London Boys’ Friend

JAMES W. C. FEGAN, the Boys’ Friend, was born in a Christian home, and his godly training had much to do with the shaping of his future career. He was educated at the City of London School, one of his fellow-scholars being Lord Oxford. On leaving school he entered a com­mercial office in the city, but did not care for city life. His intention was to finish with the smoke and din of London as early as possible, and retire to the country, where he could go in for outdoor life and healthful sports which he loved, and in some of which he excelled, but God had a nobler future in store for James Fegan.

One night, when a lad of seventeen, he sat before the fire in his bedroom wondering about his future prospects and the time when he would be able to bid farewell to the office and the saleroom, and ride and fish to his heart’s content for the remainder of his days. But the Spirit of God carried his thoughts further than he expected that night, to the time when he would be old and would neither have the desire nor the ability to enjoy such things. And then he remembered that after life there was death, and after time Eternity. What preparation was he making for the great eternity whither he was journeying? His sin came before him and the impossibility of meeting a holy God as he was. He determined he could not go to bed that night until the matter was settled. Turning to a Bible left by his mother in a chest of drawers in his room, he learned of the love of God in sending His Son to the Cross of Calvary to die for sinners such as he, how that God had signified His complete satisfaction with the death of His Son by raising Him from the dead, and that all who believe on Him receive everlasting life. That night, on bended knee, He accepted Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour, and received the witness within himself that He was born of God (1 John 5. 1).

Immediately after conversion he commenced to work for his new found Saviour, and found his life work in the rescue of poor lads, hundreds of whom found in him a true friend. He died in 1926, aged 73.