Importance of quizzes

Reasons why you should take quizzes / online quizzes / Bible quizzes

Quizzes test your knowledge

First and foremost, quizzes are meant to test your knowledge. If you want to know how much you know about a particular subject or topic, the best way to find out is to take a quiz on that particular topic or subject. Let’s suppose you took a quiz on the ancient history of Egypt and you scored 6 out of 25. That should tell you that you know little about the history of ancient Egypt. So upon taking a quiz on a particular topic, your score is a good reflection of your knowledge of it.

In the same way, taking a Bible quiz is a way to test your Bible knowledge. To get to know how much you know about the things in the Bible, the best way to find out is to take a Bible quiz, and what you score upon taking the quiz is a good reflection of your Bible knowledge base.

Quizzes can help you to have a positive attitude toward learning

If you take a quiz and perform poorly, say score 10 out of 30, your poor performance can make you feel shy, and, at the same time, it will serve as evidence that you do not study hard enough. However, you are better off than the person who has not taken the quiz; this is because your failure or poor performance can challenge you to take your studies seriously.

Bible quizzes do exactly that. Even if you take a Bible quiz and fail, you are better off than the one who has not taken it, because, if nothing at all, your failure makes you realize that you are not studying the Bible well enough; and this realization can induce you to have a positive attitude toward studying the Bible.

Quizzes are fun

Quizzes could be entertaining. Though quizzes are meant to educate, they have the quality to put a smile on your face and to make you feel happy, especially if you get to know your score immediately after you finish answering the questions and also if you have the opportunity to take the quiz over and over again upon failing in the previous attempts.

Most Bible quizzes are meant to be entertaining. If a question you expected to get correct turns out to be wrong, you are taken by surprise and you desire for an explanation. But if a question you were not sure to get right turns out to be right, you smile and feel like a victor. All of these cumulate to making quizzes or Bible quizzes fun. 

Quizzes helps one to develop the habit of reading patiently and carefully

Oftentimes, we are careless in our reading; that is, in the course of reading, we fail to take notice of the salient points of the content. Or, sometimes, we do our reading so fast that we bypass a lot of important points or lose sight of the main idea the writer wants to put across. Hence, though we have the attitude of reading, we do not become knowledgeable enough because we lose sight of the salient points, the main idea, and the important parts of the content.

Quizzes can help us to correct this mistake of ours. If you were to take a quiz on every piece of content you read, that would have made you read carefully and patiently with the quest to understand every word, every sentence, or every line of the content so that nothing important would escape your attention.  So quizzes help us develop the attitude of reading patiently and carefully to understand the content well. 

Normally, we do our Bible reading so fast that we lose sight of the details or the salient points. However, if you are to take a quiz on every chapter of the Scriptures you read, it will prompt you to read patiently and carefully. Thus, Bible quizzes build the attitude of carefully studying the Bible, taking notice of all the salient points therein.

Quizzes make you become more knowledgable

If some questions you answered in a quiz are found to be wrong and are marked down, you do your correction and you get to know what the right answers are. Sometimes, you begin a quest for the explanation of why your answers were wrong and why the supposed answers are correct. Eventually, after having learned the correct answers for questions you answered wrongly and after having been fed with explanations for why your answers were wrong, you become more knowledgeable than what you used to be for you get to know the things you did not know before.

In the same way, Bible quizzes can help you broaden your knowledge of the Bible because even if you answer some questions wrongly, the correct answers are shown to you at the end of the quiz. That is how you get to acquaint yourself with the things you did not know.