The healing at the Pool of Bethesda quiz

This quiz is based on the event where Jesus miraculously healed a man at the pool. This event is told in John 5:1-9 NIV.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. The pool that could heal people was near                              .
2. What was the name of the pool that could heal people?
3. How many colonnades surrounded the pool?
4. Who was lying in the colonnades?
5. How long had the cripple been at the pool?
6. What moved Jesus to help the cripple at the pool?
7. Why wasn't the cripple able to get his healing from the pool?
8. When Jesus told the cripple to pick up his mat and walk, when did he receive his healing?
9. On which day did Jesus heal the man at the pool?
10. In which city did Jesus heal the cripple at the pool?
11. Where did Jesus go to celebrate the Jewish festival?
12. Which of these is an Aramaic name?


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