Happiness in a Christian marriage

Happiness in marriage by Joyce Meyer –Marriage Sermon 2017: Even If you are not married sometimes it is the best time to get teachings on marriage before you get married. A lot of times people do not think about that and get themselves into problems that, may be, could have been avoided if they had done a little bit of studying before they got into it.

What are your expectations when you get married? You are not married yet; what is it that you are expecting? If you are married what do you expect from the person that you are married to? I think one of the things in our lives that gives us a lot of problems is unrealistic expectation. When you expect somebody to give you something that they do not want to give you or to understand something about you that they could not possibly understand. Especially if you are expecting somebody to make you happy all the time. I do think a lot of people get married with the idea that ‘you are going to make me happy all the time.’

You are going to find out somethings after you are married (about your spouse) that you did not know before you got married. That does not mean they are all bad, you will find a lot of good things too. But do as much as you can to get to know as much as you possibly can about the person that you are going to marry before you get married. So what are you expecting from your relationship? Your joy (happiness in marriage) is your own responsibility not someone’s responsibility. I do not think, in relationships, we really think the other person is supposed to keep us happy all the time, or is supposed to make us feel good about ourselves.

To be honest if you do not already have a sense of confidence, if you do not already feel good about yourself then there is no human being in your life that is ever going to be successful at making you feel good about yourself all the time. Always enter relationship with the idea of giving rather than getting. …. Click the video to learn more about happiness in marriage.

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