
G38.  hagiasmos,  hag-ee-as-mos’

from hagiazo; properly, purification, i.e. (the state) purity; concretely (by Hebraism) a purifier:–holiness, sanctification.


Ro 6:19 I speak /lego/ after the manner of men /anthropinos/ because /dia/ of the infirmity /astheneia/ of your /humon/ flesh /sarx/: for /gar/ as /hosper/ ye have yielded /paristemi/ your /humon/ members /melos/ servants /doulos/ to uncleanness /akatharsia/ and /kai/ to iniquity /anomia/ unto /eis/ iniquity /anomia/; even so /houto/ now /nun/ yield /paristemi/ your /humon/ members /melos/ servants /doulos/ to righteousness /dikaiosune/ unto /eis/ holiness /hagiasmos/.

Ro 6:22 But /de/ now /nuni/ being made free /eleutheroo/ from /apo/ sin /hamartia/, and /de/ become servants /douloo/ to God /theos/, ye have /echo/ your /humon/ fruit /karpos/ unto /eis/ holiness /hagiasmos/, and /de/ the end /telos/ everlasting /aionios/ life /zoe/.

1Co 1:30 But /de/ of /ek/ him /autos/ are /este/ ye /humeis/ in /en/ Christ /Christos/ Jesus /Iesous/, who /hos/ of /apo/ God /theos/ is made /ginomai/ unto us /hemin/ /te/ wisdom /sophia/, and righteousness /dikaiosune/, and /kai/ sanctification /hagiasmos/, and /kai/ redemption /apolutrosis/:

1Th 4:3 For /gar/ this /touto/ is /esti/ the will /thelema/ of God /theos/, even your /humon/ sanctification /hagiasmos/, that ye /humas/ should abstain /apechomai/ from /apo/ fornication /porneia/:

1Th 4:4 That every one /hekastos/ of you /humon/ should know /eido/ how to possess /ktaomai/ his /heautou/ vessel /skeuos/ in /en/ sanctification /hagiasmos/ and /kai/ honour /time/;

1Th 4:7 For /gar/ God /theos/ hath /kaleo/ not /ou/ called /kaleo/ us /hemas/ unto /epi/ uncleanness /akatharsia/, but /alla/ unto /en/ holiness /hagiasmos/.

2Th 2:13 But /de/ we /hemeis/ are bound /opheilo/ to give thanks /eucharisteo/ alway /pantote/ to God /theos/ for /peri/ you /humon/, brethren /adelphos/ beloved /agapao/ of /hupo/ the Lord /kurios/, because /hoti/ God /theos/ hath /haireomai/ from /apo/ the beginning /arche/ chosen /haireomai/ you /humas/ to /eis/ salvation /soteria/ through /en/ sanctification /hagiasmos/ of the Spirit /pneuma/ and /kai/ belief /pistis/ of the truth /aletheia/:

1Ti 2:15 Notwithstanding /de/ she shall be saved /sozo/ in /dia/ childbearing /teknogonia/, if /ean/ they continue /meno/ in /en/ faith /pistis/ and /kai/ charity /agape/ and /kai/ holiness /hagiasmos/ with /meta/ sobriety /sophrosune/.

Heb 12:14 Follow /dioko/ peace /eirene/ with /meta/ all /pas/ men, and /kai/ holiness /hagiasmos/, without /choris/ which /hos/ no man /oudeis/ shall see /optanomai/ the Lord /kurios/:

1Pe 1:2 Elect /eklektos/ according /kata/ to the foreknowledge /prognosis/ of God /theos/ the Father /pater/, through /en/ sanctification /hagiasmos/ of the Spirit /pneuma/, unto /eis/ obedience /hupakoe/ and /kai/ sprinkling /rhantismos/ of the blood /haima/ of Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/: Grace /charis/ unto you /humin/, and /kai/ peace /eirene/, be multiplied /plethuno/.


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