Genesis 20 quiz

This quiz is based on Genesis Chapter 20 (King James Version and ESV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given.

1. According to Genesis 20, Abraham went to live in the city of ...................................
2. When Abimelech king of Gerar was told by Abraham that Sarah was his sister, what did he do?
3. God made it known to Abimelech that Abraham was the husband of Sarah and a ..............................
4. God spoke to Abimelech in a dream. When Abimelech woke up in the morning what was the first thing he did?
5. Did Abimelech have sex with Sarah when he took her from Abraham?
6. Why did Abraham prefer to call Sarah his sister instead of his wife?
7. Abraham and Sarah were indeed siblings for they were of the same ...................................., but not of the same ................................
8. Abimelech restored Sarah to Abraham. Apart from Sarah what else did Abimelech give to Abraham?
NB: Choose 4 out of the 7. Each wrong choice costs you 1 point.
9. After Abimelech had shown kindness to Abraham, what did Abraham do in his turn?
10. What punishment did God bring upon Abimelech for taking Abraham's wife, Sarah?
11. Abimelech also gave Abraham ............................... as a sign of Sarah's innocence.
12. Because of Sarah, Abimelech treated Abraham in the same way as ....................... did


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