Genesis 14 Quiz

This quiz is based on Genesis Chapter 14 (King James Version and ESV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given.

1. Amraphel was king of Shinar, Chedorlaomer was king of ………………………….
2. Sodom had a king whose name was …………………
3. Chedorlaomer, Tidal, Amraphel, and  …………………; these kings were four allies. Who was the fourth king?
4. Gomorrah had a king whose name was …………………
5. Bera, Birsha,  Shemeber, Bela, and .............................; these kings were five allies. Who was the fifth king?
6. The two alliances converged and waged war in the valley (vale) of ……………………
7. The five allies were .......................... to King Chedorlaomer.
8. For how long did the five allies serve King Chedorlaomer?
9. In which year did the five allies rebel against Chedorlaomer?
10. How long did it take for Chedorlaomer to respond to their rebellion?
11. The alliance of five kings and the alliance of four kings finally waged war. Which one of these alliances won the battle?
12. And the vale of Siddim was full of ............................
13. The king of Sodom belonged to the ........................?
14. Which of the two alliances captured Lot, the nephew of Abram?
15. How did Abram know of Lot's capture?
16. How many were the trained servants whom Abram armed to pursue and fight the four allies?
17. Abram attacked the four allies …………………………….
18. When Melchizedek came to meet Abram on his return, what did he bring to Abram?
19. Melchizedek was a prominent man in his time. What was his social status?
20. Abram recovered the spoils and the people that the four allies took. He took none of the spoils; he intended to give them to the king of Sodom. However, Abram mentioned that the allies who went with him to war deserve to receive some of the spoils. Who were these allies of Abram?
21. When Melchizedek showed kindness to Abram, what did Abram also do in his turn for Melchizedek? Abram gave him ..................
22. The four kings looted Sodom and Gomorrah and left. Abram pursued, beat them and recovered the spoils. Why did Abram refuse to take any of the spoils he recovered from defeating the four allies?
23. In Genesis 14:1, comparing KJV and ESV, Tidal king of Goiim was also referred to as …………………….
24. Why did Abram get involved in the affairs of the four allies and the five allies? This is because
25. Which of the two alliances did Abram support?


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