Genesis 11 Quiz

This quiz is based on Genesis Chapter 11 (King James Version). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given.

1. What were the people trying to avoid when they made the decision to build a city and a tower?
2. After having started building the city and the tower, why did the people stop?
3. How did God scatter the people upon the face of the earth?
4. The place where they were building a city and a tower was later given the name Babel. Why?
5. With regard to Gen 11:9, what is the meaning of Babel?
6. How old was Shem when he gave birth to Arphaxad?
7. Shem gave birth to Arphaxad ................. years after the flood.
8. How long did Shem live after having given birth to Arphaxad?
9. Who was Terah's father?
10. At age 70, Terah had given birth to how many sons?
11. Terah and his family lived in a place called .......................
12. Which of them was Abram's grandfather?
13. Abram had a brother called ............
14. Which of these was Nahor's wife?
15. Tera and his household left their native land. Where did they come to live when they left?
16. Terah lived for how many years?
17. Haran had a son called ......................
18. Which of these was Abram's younger brother?
19. Abram's wife was called ...........................
20. When Terah left the land of his nativity for the land of Canaan, he did not take his entire family. Which of his sons did he leave behind?


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