Exodus 25 Quiz

This quiz is based on Exodus chapter 25. All questions are compulsory. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best.

1. Why did God want the people of Israel to bring contributions such as bronze, silver, etc. to Him?
2. God commanded Moses to make the ark of the covenant with what?
3. The inside of the ark should be overlaid with gold. And the outside of the ark should be overlaid with what?
4. How many golden rings should be cast for the ark?
5. The staves God commanded Moses to make should be overlaid with what?
6. What would be the purpose of the stave of shittim wood?
7. What dimensions did God give Moses to use to build the ark of the covenant (length/breadth/height - in cubits)?
8. What was the ark of the covenant designed to hold?
9. Which beings did God command Moses to make with gold to be placed on top of the ark?
10. What did God command Moses to make to be placed between the two beings?
11. What dimensions did God give Moses to use to make the table in the tabernacle (length/breadth/height - in cubits)?
12. What was the purpose of the golden rings?
13. Apart from the ark of the covenant and the table of bread, which other items did God command Moses to make? (Wrong choice= -l)
14. God commanded Moses to make a golden lampstand that has how many branches?
15. How many lamps should be made for the lampstand?
16. On the whole, what raw materials were used to make the sacred things mentioned in Exodus chapter 25?


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