Exodus 14 Quiz

This quiz is based on Exodus Chapter 14. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given.

1. Why did God tell the Israelites to camp between Migdol and the sea?
2. What moved Pharaoh to pursue the Israelites with the intention of recapturing them?
3. What was the mood of the Israelites when they saw the Egyptians coming after them?
4. And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the                                 of the LORD,
5. What did God use to divide the sea to make way for the Israelites to pass through?
6. What prevented the Egyptians from laying their hands on the Israelites when they pursued them?
7. What was the reaction of the Israelites when they saw what the Lord had done to the Egyptians?
8. Though the Egyptians pursued the Israelites on horses and chariots into the sea, they still could not lay their hands on them to bring them back to Egypt. Why?
9. When the sea was divided, the waters of the sea stood vertically on both sides like what?
10. When the Egyptians pursued the Israelites into the Red Sea to no avail, they said, “Let us flee from before Israel, for                                    


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