Elements of a successful marriage

By Myles Munroe. Marriage is not a requirement of God. Nowhere in the Bible did God command us to marry or to be married.  Marriage is a choice that one can make in his life, but it is not a requirement of God. You do not have to get married to be happy. And also do not get married to someone just because you love him. Love does not keep the marriage together.

A successful marriage depends on the application of knowledge – knowing and understanding God’s principles. You must understand what it means to be a woman; you must understand what it means to be a man; you have to understand communication skills; you must understand how to manage emotions and how to handle anger; you must understand the dynamics of disagreement; you must understand how to handle unfaithfulness. If you do not understand those things you cannot keep your marriage. Many marriages are broken because the individuals did not have the equipment – the requisite knowledge to use to fix the situation.

The most misunderstood element of a relationship is love; love is not emotions; love is a choice; love is the response to understanding the value of a thing; love is a force generated by a decision; love is an act of the will – love is a decision; love is a debt you owe; Love is a decision to commit to meet the needs of another for life without expectation; Love is caring – anticipating a need and meeting it …. Watch video to learn more

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