Table of Contents
The duties of disciples of Jesus
A disciple of Jesus is someone who has accepted to follow Jesus, living their lives like Jesus or keeping His teachings, those taught by Him and those taught by inspired men of God. Being a disciple of Jesus is not something that we should merely say. We should prove it in deeds by doing what is required of disciples to do. We are going to look at the duties that ought to be done to set someone apart as a disciple of Jesus.
1. Embracing humility and servanthood
It is one of the core duties of the disciples of Jesus to practice humility and servanthood. Jesus expects His disciples to humble themselves before God and others, recognizing that true greatness lies in serving rather than being served (Matthew 20:26-27). During the Last Supper, Jesus took water and a towel and washed His disciples’ feet as a gesture of humility and service (John 13:1-20). Then He instructed His disciples to do the same to one another. It is therefore incumbent on every Christian to be serviceable to others, prioritizing their needs above his own (Philippians 2:4).
If you are not sure whether you are serviceable or not, ask yourself these questions: Do you help tidy the church where you fellowship? What role do you play in the church, community, etc.? Are you held accountable for something in the church, community, etc.? Does your life impact others positively? If your answers are ‘no’, then it is likely you are not being serviceable. Being serviceable requires humility and willingness to forgive for you will encounter challenges and you will have to tolerate all manner of people including those who offend your ego.
2. Spreading the good news
Another duty of a disciple is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all corners of the world. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus commissioned His disciples to be evangelists of His word around the world (Mt 28:19-20). Until the word of God is preached, the sinner has no opportunity to repent unto Christ. For this reason, the disciples of Jesus must share the message of salvation and invite the sinner to accept Jesus to experience the transformative power of faith (2 Corinthians 5:17). Even in the situation where our gospel is not accepted, our holy life of kindness, forgiveness, modesty, humility, love, etc. can draw the sinner to Christ (1Pe 3:1). Therefore, through both words and actions, disciples are ambassadors of Christ, leading the unbeliever to faith in Christ so that they can be saved.
3. Cultivating a life of prayer
Aside from Jesus teaching his disciples to pray (Mt 6:9-13) and to persevere in prayer (Luke 11:5-10), the disciples are also commanded to pray in 1 Thessalonians 5:16. As 1 Thessalonians suggests, prayer should not be an occasional thing, but a daily lifestyle. During prayer, we communicate with God – we thank Him, seek His guidance, tell Him our problems, etc. – and this tends to strengthen our communion with Him. Aside from a healthy relationship with God, it is proven that a prayerful life leads to a less sinful life. This is true because Jesus said watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation (Mt 26:41). A prayerful life strengthens our faith and self-control against the temptation to sin. Life today comes with its challenges and most of us are hard-pressed for time. Yet those who love the Lord and value their relationship with Him have resolved to pray daily and they do it without fail.
4. Fellowshipping
Some people are of the view that church attendance is either outdated or unimportant in modern times. The fact that some preachers are messing up does not rule out the importance of fellowshipping or attending church. During the Last Supper, Jesus poured out a heartfelt prayer asking God to bring unity among His disciples (John 17:11). This prayer paid off uniting the early Christians amid persecution and trials, leading to the birth of the church. The church is the representation of unity among the disciples of Jesus.
Hence the Bible instructs disciples and followers of Jesus that we should not stop meeting together (Hebrews 10:25). By coming together in worship, study, and service, disciples find strength and encouragement. As disciples fellowship together, they become one another’s keepers and are accountable to one another for their actions. This checks us from becoming habitually sinful and promotes mutual growth. Fellowshipping as disciples also enhances one’s sense of belonging and makes us support one another.
5. Bearing fruit
In Jesus’ teachings, He made His disciples understand that they have been chosen to become His disciples and followers so that they would bear fruit (John 15:16). Therefore, bearing fruit as disciples of Jesus is a fundamental aspect of our faith. The term bearing fruit might cloud the minds of some Christians and they become confused about what to do to bear fruit. Bearing fruit is just applying the word of God you heard or read. For instance, Jesus taught us to love others, do good to our enemies, forgive, pray, etc. – do this to bear fruit. Apostle Paul taught us to speak the truth, flee fornication, abstain from uncleanness, etc. – do this to bear fruit.
Bearing fruit is the basic unit of living a holy or righteous life. Where you are not sure of what to do to be holy, start bearing fruit – that is, put into practice the word of God you hear or read. When you do this, your life will be nothing short of holy. Moreover, we also have the fruit of the Holy Spirit. These fruits include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Ga 5:22-23). By producing these qualities, we bring glory to God (Mt 5:16) and positively influence the world around us. Through our actions and attitudes, we can demonstrate the transformative power of Christ in our lives to draw others closer to Him.
Remember the parable of the barren fig tree. The fig tree that was not producing any fruit was in danger of being cut down by the master of the garden (Luke 13:6-9). In the same way, God does not count believers who do not do their duties as disciples of Jesus and such will be denied all the blessings that pertain to disciples.