The death and burial of Jesus quiz

This quiz is based on the death and burial of Jesus recorded in John 19:28-42 NIV.
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1. What was given to Jesus to drink on the cross when He said He was thirty?
2. What was the last word of Jesus on the cross?
3. What did Jesus do just before saying His last word?
4. On which day did Jesus die on the cross?
5. Which day followed the day on which Jesus died?
6. Why did the Jewish leaders want the legs of those crucified broken?
7. Who requested for the legs of those crucified to be broken?
8. Who broke the legs of those crucified?
9. How many people were crucified with Jesus?
10. Why is it that Jesus' legs were not broken?
11. Instead of breaking Jesus' legs, what did the soldiers do to Jesus?
12. What made blood and water suddenly come out of Jesus' body?
13. According to the narrative, this account of Jesus' death was written by who?
14. Why didn't Joseph of Arimathea make it known that he was a disciple of Jesus?
15. On which day was Jesus crucified?
16. Joseph of Arimathea was described as what?
17. Who granted Joseph of Arimathea access to Jesus' body?
18. Whose permission did Joseph of Arimathea seek so that he could have Jesus' body for burial?
19. Who assisted Joseph of Arimathea to bury Jesus?
20. Who brought the mixture of myrrh and aloes to prepare Jesus' body for burial?
21. How was Jesus' body prepared for burial?
22. In the narrative, the mixture of myrrh and aloes was referred to as what?
23. What description was given to the tomb in which Jesus was buried?
24. On which day was Jesus buried?
25. Jesus' body was prepared for burial according to                             .
26. Jesus was buried in a tomb which was in a garden. Where was this garden?


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