David the Shepherd Boy quiz

This quiz is based on 1 Samuel 17:12-15 NIV and 1 Samuel 17:34-37 NIV. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best.
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1. Who protected David from being killed by wild animals?
2. Who was Jesse to David?
3. Jesse was                               .
4. How many of Jesse's sons were gone to war with King Saul?
5. David's eldest brother was called                               .
6. Jesse's second-born son was called                                 .
7. Jesse's third-born son was called                                 .
8. David was the                              of his father's sons.
9. David tended the sheep at                         .
10. Why did David chase the lion or the bear?
11. How did David kill a lion or a bear?
12. Why was David determined to kill Goliath?
13. Which of Jesse's sons followed King Saul to war?
14. David's father was described as                               .


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