What are the consequences of turning away from God?

Effects of turning away from God

Turning away from God is akin to terms such as forsaking God, apostatizing, falling away from the faith, and any word related to apostasy. What happens when individuals choose to turn away from God and reject their faith? This decision can have profound consequences that affect various aspects of their lives, including their relationships, purpose, and overall well-being.

1. Loss of salvation and other benefits

Salvation comes from God through faith in Jesus Christ. He who has turned away from God has also turned away from Christ Jesus. Turning away from God results in a state of separation from God and a loss of all the benefits that come from God such as salvation, forgiveness of sins, blessings, peace, eternal life in heaven, divine healing, hope, etc. The Bible says salvation is a gift from God through believing in Jesus (Eph 2:8). Salvation is not a one-time event. It is a continuous phenomenon that you experience while still connected to God. Therefore, once you cut yourself off from God, you lose your salvation.

2. Emotional and mental turmoil

When a Christian turns away from God, he may experience emotional and mental turmoil. The absence of faith in God can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and a lack of purpose. Without the comfort and guidance that faith provides, individuals may struggle to find meaning in their lives, leading to a sense of emptiness and confusion. They may try to fill this emptiness by resorting to alcoholism, drugs, materialism, pornography, an immoral lifestyle, and being an activist for worthless courses. For this reason, a lot of those who turn away from God hardly fare well in life.

3. Strained relationships

Turning away from God can also damage one’s relationships with family and friends who may still be staunch Christians. A Christian who has turned away from God, automatically, changes his beliefs, practices, and opinions in favor of his newfound faith. Hence, his ways are at odds with Christianity. The shift in beliefs can create tension and conflict, leading to broken relationships and a feeling of disconnection from loved ones. This is because it is written that no two people can walk together unless they agree to walk in the same direction (Amos 3:3). Therefore when you no longer share in the Christian faith, you will not find it convenient to flock with your Christian loved ones anymore, leading to disconnection or broken relationship.

4. Moral decay

Abstinence from all kinds of immorality is endorsed by God and it is incumbent on all Christians to be morally upright and holy. A Christian who has turned away from God does not regard himself as being under God’s rule anymore. Therefore he sees himself free to do whatever pleases him, right or wrong. The Bible says that, for such people, God gives them over to a depraved mind and the sinful desires of their hearts and they do what ought not to be done (Romans 1:28). The Bible also teaches that if a person comes to believe in God and later turn away, he is more sinful than he was before he became a believer (2 Peter 2:20).

5. Moral and ethical confusion

The good moral teachings that differentiate right from wrong were authored by God and were written in the Bible. Those who turn away from God not only stop believing in Him, but they also refuse to be guided by God’s word. For this reason, turning away from God can lead to moral and ethical confusion. Without the moral compass provided by biblical teachings, individuals may struggle to make good moral choices. This can lead to moral ambiguity (a lack of certainty about whether something is right or wrong) and ethical uncertainty (uncertainty about how to apply principles to a specific situation). This will certainly affect their ability to make sound judgments in various aspects of life.

6. Loss of community and support

The Christian communities and the church provide a sense of belonging and support for their members. Some churches have scholarship schemes for their members who have difficulty paying their school fees. The church also supports its members with attendance and donations during special occasions like weddings, outdooring, etc. In difficult times such as bereavement and natural disasters, the church supports affected members. When a Christian turns away from God, he may lose this valuable source of community, connection, and support. The absence of a supportive Christian community can lead to feelings of loneliness and a lack of belonging, affecting his overall well-being.


In conclusion, turning away from God can have far-reaching consequences that impact individuals on emotional, relational, and moral levels. The absence of faith can lead to emotional turmoil, strained relationships, moral confusion, and a loss of community and support. It’s important for individuals grappling with their faith to carefully consider the potential consequences of turning away from God and its impact on their lives and relationships.

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