What is the Christmas season?

Christmas season refers to the period in which Christmas is celebrated. The Christmas season is a time of celebration and joy that is observed all around the world. It is a religious holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity. Practically, Christmas does not begin and end in one day; its celebration ends several days or weeks.

We know that Christmas Day is 25th December, but the Christmas season begins many days before Christmas Day and ends many days after Christmas Day. However, there is no fixed day on which the Christmas season begins and there is no fixed day on which it ends. The Christmas season begins after the first two weeks in December and, sometimes, it begins as early as 12th or 13th December.

Before most educational institutions shut down for the Christmas break or Christmas holidays, they hold eventful carol services to commemorate the birth of Jesus. These carol services are held on December 13th, 14th, 15th, or 16th, setting in motion the Christmas Season.

The Christmas season roles, sometimes, from as early as 13th December through 24th DecemberChristmas Eve, 25th December – Christmas Day, and 26th December – Boxing Day to the New Year. The New Year celebration which is eight days away from Christmas adds up to the Christmas season and prolongs it to 7th January. New Year, 1st January, itself has a Christian significance.

Since we take it that Jesus was born on 25th December, eight days from 25th December is 1st January. Eight days from Jesus’ birthday, He was circumcised and given the name Jesus. It is written, “At the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.” Luke 2:21 ESV

It is therefore no robbery to add the New Year to the Christmas season.  The Christmas season may start as early as 13th December and end around 7th January or the Christmas season begins after the first two weeks of December and ends after the first week of January, making a maximum of four weeks.

In most countries, December 24th, 25th, 26th, and 1st January of the Christmas season are given as public holidays. During the Christmas season, people engage in a wide range of activities to celebrate the holiday. These may include attending religious services, exchanging gifts with loved ones, decorating homes with festive lights and ornaments, and preparing special meals and treats. Many people also enjoy participating in community events such as caroling, tree-lighting ceremonies, and holiday parades.

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