Christmas History Quiz

All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission.
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1. Which of these towns is most important for pilgrims during Christmas celebrations?
2. Who is the most important figure in Christmas celebrations?
3. What name is used to call the wise men who came to visit baby Jesus?
4. When do those following the Gregorian Calendar celebrate Christmas?
5. When do those following the Julian Calendar celebrate Christmas?
6. Why do we celebrate Christmas?
7. Many African countries celebrate Christmas on 25th December, following the Gregorian Calendar. However, which African countries have a significant number of Christians who follow the Julian Calendar to celebrate Christmas?
8. Who adopted the Gregorian calendar?
9. Which year was the Julian Calendar adopted?
10. Who adopted the Julian Calendar?
11. In which year was the Gregorian Calendar adopted?
12. What is the Epiphany celebrated to commemorate in Western Christianity, especially in some cultures such as Spain and various Latin American countries?
13. Effective 24 May 2023, Ukraine divorced Russia regarding which day to celebrate Christmas. Currently, when does Ukraine celebrate Christmas?
14. On which day is Epiphany celebrated?
15. In Western Christianity, Epiphany is also known as what?
16. In Eastern Christianity, what is Epiphany celebrated to commemorate?
17. Which king was crowned on Christmas Day?
18. What is the name of the shortest day of the year which happens around Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere?
19. Where did Boxing Day originate as a holiday?
20. In which country do Christians reenact the biblical event of Mary and Joseph searching for a place to stay, which takes place the nine days before Christmas Day?
21. When does the festival of Las Posadas (which is the reenacting of  Mary and Joseph's search for a place to stay in Bethlehem) take place?
22. On which day was Jesus of Nazareth born?
23. What is the name of the day before Christmas?


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