Types of believers in the Bible

Introduction The Parable of the Sower. The rootless believers/Christian. The unfruitful believers/Christian The fruitful believers/Christian What to do Conclusion Food for thought Introduction The parables of Jesus Christ are the …

Why do the wicked prosper?

The reasons why the wicked prosper The Scriptures make us understand that the good things in life such as prosperity, good health, etc. are from God. In fact, in the …

Reasons for Discipleship

Though many things interfere with our desire and effort to disciple new converts, we have very strong reasons to disciple new converts and these reasons keep us going against all …

Effects or Consequences of Apostasy

Apostasy is to forsake the one true God and or the Holy Scriptures He has given; Apostasy is to abandon Christ or the Christian faith; Apostasy is to stray away …

Self-indulgence, meaning, examples, effects, etc

Table of Content What is self-indulgence? Self-indulgence in the Bible Self-indulgence is a sin Examples of self-indulgence Am I guilty of self-indulgence Effects or consequences of self-indulgence As a Christian, …

Ignorance of God’s word leads to apostasy

Ignorance – especially, ignorance of God and his word is by far the most destructive thing. In times past, the heathen nations of the world were left to languish in …

Benefits of following Jesus Christ

“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? …

Apostates, unbelievers, backsliders and heretics

Table of content Apostates are those who have committed apostasy. Apostates used to be followers of Jesus, but they ceased to be followers along the line. Apostates are devout Christians …

Love of money, meaning, examples, etc

Introduction For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. …

How do people perish for lack of knowledge?

Bible reference “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou …

What is the meaning of apostasy in the Bible?

The term apostasy originated from the Greek word apostasia. Apostasia means defection from truth, falling away, forsake. The word apostasy does not appear in the English version of the Bible, …

Cannot be my disciple verses explained

Some three men wearing red boots were disciples of a certain prophet. Then, one day, the prophet told them, “You cannot follow me in boots.” This saying left his three …

What is bearing fruit in the Bible?

Bearing fruit in Christianity is the positive transformation in a person’s life that comes from obedience to the word of God. The term bear fruit and its concept are widely …

Why believe in the true doctrines?

Table of Content King Ahab pays the price of rejecting the truth Some Christians will turn away from the truth/true doctrines Definition of true doctrines Definition of false doctrines Why …