Which kings disobeyed God in the Bible?

Examples of kings who disobeyed God Disobedience among kings is a common occurrence in the Bible. In the nation of Israel, despite the knowledge of God and His law, disobedience …

Who had supernatural strength in the Bible?

Who has superhuman strength in the Bible? Superhuman or supernatural strength is the kind of strength that is above and beyond what is naturally and physically possible for a human …

Who had family problems in the Bible?

1. Adam and Eve Our earliest parents Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden and were driven out of it. Outside the garden, life went on normally …

Examples of Parental Advice in the Bible

Isaac and Rebecca advise Jacob The sad event of Jacob stealing Esau’s blessing is found in Genesis 27:1-40. The mother of both Esau and Jacob, Rebecca, was the chief architect …

Who was a proud king in the Bible?

King Saul King Saul was humble when God chose him out of all the people of Israel to become a king. As a king, he proved to be a strong …

Who in the Bible had a comeback?

Examples of those who had a comeback To make a comeback is to return to your former position after a period of fall or failure. The Bible has enough stories …

Who fell and got back up in the Bible?

The faithful men of old who walked with God to the end were no different from us Christians of today for we all had similar weaknesses. Their walk with God …

Which prophet disobeyed God?

Examples of prophets who disobeyed God Prophets are messengers of God. God raises them often during difficult times to guide and lead His people on the path of righteousness. Some …

Who blamed others in the Bible?

Who played the blame game in the Bible? The Bible is full of stories about blame and taking responsibility. We’re going to take a closer look at the different people …

Who made excuses in the Bible?

Examples of Bible characters who made excuses Making excuses is something people do often, and this was also true for some well-known people in the Bible when they faced tough …

Who was hesitant in the Bible?

Examples of Bible characters who hesitated To hesitate is to be reluctant to do something. And being hesitant is being reluctant to do something. The Bible has many accounts of …

Examples of idolatry in the Bible

1. Israel worships the golden calf at Mt. Sinai God called Moses onto Mt. Sinai to collect the Ten Commandments. Moses was up on the mountain for forty days and …

What is the Jehu dynasty?

Overview of the Jehu Dynasty The House of Jehu, also known as the Jehu dynasty, was a ruling dynasty of the Kingdom of Israel that is depicted in both Books …

Can you be a Christian and not a disciple of Jesus?

The Bible does not attempt to differentiate between the terms Christian and disciple. These terms are used interchangeably to refer to Jesus’s followers. Even the early church fathers, like Paul, …

What is the house of Ahab?

Understanding the House of Ahab The House of Ahab refers to the royal dynasty that ruled the Kingdom of Israel during the 9th century BCE. The history of the House …