THE OVERCOMING LIFE BY D. L. MOODY RESULTS OF TRUE REPENTANCE. I want to call your attention to what true repentance leads to. I am not addressing the unconverted only, …

Sermon on Conviction of Sin

THE OVERCOMING LIFE BY D. L. MOODY RESULTS OF TRUE REPENTANCE 1. Conviction. When a man is not deeply convicted of sin, it is a pretty sure sign that he …

Sermon on Contrition

THE OVERCOMING LIFE BY D. L. MOODY RESULTS OF TRUE REPENTANCE 2. Contrition. The next thing is contrition, deep Godly sorrow and humiliation of heart because of sin. If there …

Sermon on Confession of Sin

THE OVERCOMING LIFE BY D. L. MOODY RESULTS OF TRUE REPENTANCE 3. Confession of Sin. If we have true contrition, that will lead us to confess our sins. I believe …

Confession of Christ

THE OVERCOMING LIFE BY D. L. MOODY RESULTS OF TRUE REPENTANCE 5. Confession of Christ. If you are converted, the next step is confess it openly. Listen: “If thou shalt …

Sermon on Conversion

THE OVERCOMING LIFE BY D. L. MOODY RESULTS OF TRUE REPENTANCE 4. Conversion. Confession leads to true conversion, and there is no conversion at all until these three steps have …

Eight “Overcomes”

THE OVERCOMING LIFE PART III BY D. L. MOODY ETERNAL FOES Eight “Overcomes.” Let me give you the eight “overcomes” of Revelation. The first is: “To him that overcometh will …

Sermon on Business

THE OVERCOMING LIFE PART III BY D. L. MOODY EXTERNAL FOES Business. It may be that we have got to overcome in business. Perhaps it is business morning, noon and …

Sermon on Persecution

Do you know, I don’t think we have enough persecution now-a-days. Some people say we have persecution that is just as hard to bear as in ..

Sermon on Pleasure

THE OVERCOMING LIFE PART III BY D. L. MOODY EXTERNAL FOES Pleasure. Another enemy is worldly pleasure. A great many people are just drowned in pleasure. They have no time …

Worldly Habits and Fashions

THE OVERCOMING LIFE PART III BY D. L. MOODY EXTERNAL FOES Worldly Habits and Fashions. For one thing we must fight worldly habits and fashions. We must often go against …


What are our enemies without? What does James say? “Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore ..

Sermon on Alcohol

THE OVERCOMING LIFE PART II BY D. L. MOODY INTERNAL FOES Appetite. Now take appetite. That is an enemy inside. How many young men are ruined by the appetite for …

Sermon on Pride

THE OVERCOMING LIFE PART II BY D. L. MOODY INTERNAL FOES Pride. Then there is pride. This is another of those sins which the Bible so strongly condemns, but which …

Sermon on jealousy and envy

THE OVERCOMING LIFE PART II BY D. L. MOODY INTERNAL FOES Are You Jealous, Envious? Go and do a good turn for that person of whom you are jealous. That …

Sermon on Covetousness

THE OVERCOMING LIFE BY D. L. MOODY PART II. INTERNAL FOES. Covetousness. Take the sin of covetousness. There is more said in the Bible against it than against drunkenness. I …

Sermon on Temper

Then there is temper. I wouldn’t give much for a man that hasn’t temper. Steel isn’t good for anything if it hasn’t got temper. But when temper gets the mastery over


Now if we are going to overcome, we must begin inside. God always begins there. An enemy inside the fort is far more dangerous than one outside.

Triumphs of Faith

THE OVERCOMING LIFE PART 1 By D. L. MOODY THE CHRISTIAN’S WARFARE Triumphs of Faith. Now, how are we to get the victory over all our enemies? Turn to Galatians, …

The Only Complete Victor

THE OVERCOMING LIFE PART 1 By D. L. MOODY THE CHRISTIAN’S WARFARE The Only Complete Victor. This brings me to the fourth verse of the fourth chapter of the same …