The birth of Samuel quiz This quiz is based on 1 Samuel 1:1-20 NIV. NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance. 1. Elkanah came from where?MakkedahLachish RamathaimJarmuth 2. Elkanah came from which tribe?The tribe of SimeonThe tribe of BenjaminThe tribe of JudahThe tribe of Ephraim 3. Who was Elkanah's father?JerohamZuphElihuNun 4. In terms of family, Elkanah was a .a Kinitea Zuphitea son of Davidan Ephraimite 5. How many wives did Elkanah have?1342 6. Where did Elkanah go to worship and sacrifice?RamaShilohBethelEglon 7. Who were the priests at the place where Elkanah went to worship and sacrifice?CaiaphasHophni ElihuTohuPhinehas 8. When did Elkanah go to worship and sacrifice to the Lord at Shiloh?WeeklyDailyYearlyMonthly 9. Why did Elkanah give a double portion of the meat of the sacrifice to Hannah?It is because she eats a lot.It is because she was older.It is because she was his first wife.It is because he loved her more. 10. Why is it that Hannah could not give birth to children?It is because she was a bad woman.It is because God had closed her womb.It is because she was sick.It is because she had been cursed. 11. Why did Peninnah provoke Hannah?It is because Hannah did not have children.It is because Hannah was a bad woman.It is because Hannah was not pretty.It is because Hannah was not friendly. 12. How did Hannah react when Peninnah provoked her at Shiloh?She got angry with Peninnah.She quarreled with Peninnah.She left Shiloh for the house.She wept and would not eat. 13. Who comforted Hannah when Peninnah provoked her?ElihuTohuElkanahEli 14. At Shiloh, when did Hannah get up to go and pray?When they were about to sleepJust after arriving thereWhen they finished eating and drinkingWhen they were about to leave Shiloh 15. Where was Eli sitting at the time Hannah was saying her heartfelt prayer?He was sitting by the doorpost of the house of God. He was sitting in front of the door of the house of God.He was sitting near the altar of the house of God.He was sitting in front of the altar of the house of God. 16. While Hannah was praying, she was also .singing hymnsweeping bitterlydozing offthinking about Peninnah's provocation 17. What was Hannah's mood while she was praying?She was angry.She was confused and unhappy.She was in anguish and grief.She was shy and uncomfortable. 18. When did Hannah make a vow to the Lord?She made a vow when she finished eating her supper.She made a vow while she was eating.She made a vow when she was living the temple for her house.She made a vow while she was praying. 19. Which vow did Hannah make to the Lord?She vowed that if God gave her a child, she would take care of him very well. She vowed to serve the Lord all her life.She vowed that if God gave her a child, she would give him to the Lord for life.She vowed to be obedient to her husband. 20. How did Hannah say her prayer?She was praying in her head with her eyes open.She was shouting her prayer aloud and others heard her prayer.She was whispering her prayer in a way that made it difficult for others to hear.She was praying in her heart and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. 21. What did Eli think of Hannah when he saw the way she was praying?Eli thought she was sick.Eli thought she was drunkEli thought she was unhappy.Eli thought she was dozing. 22. What did Hannah say about herself to Eli?She said she was a deeply troubled woman.She said she was a wicked woman.She said she was going through a lot of suffering.She said she had been drinking. 23. What did Hannah say she had not been drinking?SoupAlcoholic wineVinegarWaterBeer 24. What good wish did Eli say to Hannah?He said, "May God comfort your soul."He said, "May God help you to find peace."Eli said, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.”He said, "May God guide your soul." 25. When did Elkanah and his family leave for their home?Right after Hannah had finished prayingEarly the next morningThe next afternoonThe night following Hannah's prayer 26. What did Hannah do right after her prayer?She went to wash her clothes.She went to wash herself.She went to eat.She went to sleep soundly. 27. What did Elkanah and his family do before leaving for home?They ate some food.They greeted the priests.They offered a sacrifice.They worshiped before the Lord. 28. What name did Hannah give the son she bore?SamuelSamsonIsaiahJeremiah 29. Elkanah and his family returned from Shiloh to where?HebronRamahJerusalemBethel 30. Who were the sons of Eli?ZadokAbiathaHophni JosiahPhinehas Loading... Share this post:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Related Posts:Samuel in the temple quizDavid the Shepherd Boy quizDavid anointed as king quizGod's care for David quiz Tagged quizzes for 7-9 years olds.