The birth of Samuel quiz

This quiz is based on 1 Samuel 1:1-20 NIV.
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1. Elkanah came from where?
2. Elkanah came from which tribe?
3. Who was Elkanah's father?
4. In terms of family, Elkanah was a                                 .
5. How many wives did Elkanah have?
6. Where did Elkanah go to worship and sacrifice?
7. Who were the priests at the place where Elkanah went to worship and sacrifice?
8. When did Elkanah go to worship and sacrifice to the Lord at Shiloh?
9. Why did Elkanah give a double portion of the meat of the sacrifice to Hannah?
10. Why is it that Hannah could not give birth to children?
11. Why did Peninnah provoke Hannah?
12. How did Hannah react when Peninnah provoked her at Shiloh?
13. Who comforted Hannah when Peninnah provoked her?
14. At Shiloh, when did Hannah get up to go and pray?
15. Where was Eli sitting at the time Hannah was saying her heartfelt prayer?
16. While Hannah was praying, she was also                         .
17. What was Hannah's mood while she was praying?
18. When did Hannah make a vow to the Lord?
19. Which vow did Hannah make to the Lord?
20. How did Hannah say her prayer?
21. What did Eli think of Hannah when he saw the way she was praying?
22. What did Hannah say about herself to Eli?
23. What did Hannah say she had not been drinking?
24. What good wish did Eli say to Hannah?
25. When did Elkanah and his family leave for their home?
26. What did Hannah do right after her prayer?
27. What did Elkanah and his family do before leaving for home?
28. What name did Hannah give the son she bore?
29. Elkanah and his family returned from Shiloh to where?
30. Who were the sons of Eli?


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