
G68. agros, ag-ros’

from ago; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case, the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet:–country, farm, piece of ground, land.


Mt 6:28 And /kai/ why /tis/ take ye thought /merimnao/ for /peri/ raiment /enduma/? Consider /katamanthano/ the lilies /krinon/ of the field /agros/, how /pos/ they grow /auxano/; they toil /kopiao/ not /ou/, neither /oude/ do they spin /netho/:

Mt 6:30 Wherefore /de/, if /ei/ God /theos/ so /houto/ clothe /amphiennumi/ the grass /chortos/ of the field /agros/, which to day /semeron/ is /on/, and /kai/ to morrow /aurion/ is cast /ballo/ into /eis/ the oven /klibanos/, shall he not /ou/ much /polus/ more /mallon/ clothe you /humas/, O ye of little faith /oligopistos/?

Mt 13:24 Another /allos/ parable /parabole/ put he forth /paratithemi/ unto them /autos/, saying /lego/, The kingdom /basileia/ of heaven /ouranos/ is likened /homoioo/ unto a man /anthropos/ which sowed /speiro/ /speiro/ good /kalos/ seed /sperma/ in /en/ his /autos/ field /agros/:

Mt 13:27 So /de/ the servants /doulos/ of the householder /oikodespotes/ came /proserchomai/ and said /epo/ unto him /autos/, Sir /kurios/, didst /speiro/ not /ouchi/ thou sow /speiro/ good /kalos/ seed /sperma/ in /en/ thy /sos/ field /agros/? from whence /pothen/ then /oun/ hath it /echo/ tares /zizanion/?

Mt 13:31 Another /allos/ parable /parabole/ put he forth /paratithemi/ unto them /autos/, saying /lego/, The kingdom /basileia/ of heaven /ouranos/ is /esti/ like /homoios/ to a grain /kokkos/ of mustard seed /sinapi/, which /hos/ a man /anthropos/ took /lambano/, and sowed /speiro/ in /en/ his /autos/ field /agros/:

Mt 13:36 Then /tote/ Jesus /Iesous/ sent /aphiemi/ the multitude /ochlos/ away /aphiemi/, and went /erchomai/ into /eis/ the house /oikia/: and /kai/ his /autos/ disciples /mathetes/ came /proserchomai/ unto him /autos/, saying /lego/, Declare /phrazo/ unto us /hemin/ the parable /parabole/ of the tares /zizanion/ of the field /agros/.

Mt 13:38  /de/ The field /agros/ is /esti/ the world /kosmos/; /de/ the good /kalos/ seed /sperma/ are /houtos/ /eisi/ the children /huios/ of the kingdom /basileia/; but /de/ the tares /zizanion/ are /eisi/ the children /huios/ of the wicked /poneros/ one;

Mt 13:44 Again /palin/, the kingdom /basileia/ of heaven /ouranos/ is /esti/ like /homoios/ unto treasure /thesauros/ hid /krupto/ in /en/ a field /agros/; the which /hos/ when a man /anthropos/ hath found /heurisko/, he hideth /krupto/, and /kai/ for /apo/ joy /chara/ thereof /autos/ goeth /hupago/ and /kai/ selleth /poleo/ all /pas/ that /hosos/ he hath /echo/, and /kai/ buyeth /agorazo/ that /ekeinos/ field /agros/.

Mt 19:29 And /kai/ every /pas/ one /hos/ that hath forsaken /aphiemi/ houses /oikia/, or /e/ brethren /adelphos/, or /e/ sisters /adelphe/, or /e/ father /pater/, or /e/ mother /meter/, or /e/ wife /gune/, or /e/ children /teknon/, or /e/ lands /agros/, for my /mou/ name’s /onoma/ sake /heneka/, shall receive /lambano/ an hundredfold /hekatontaplasion/, and /kai/ shall inherit /kleronomeo/ everlasting /aionios/ life /zoe/.

Mt 22:5 But /de/ they made light of /ameleo/ it, and went their ways /aperchomai/, one /men/ to /eis/ his /idios/ farm /agros/, another /de/ to /eis/ his /autos/ merchandise /emporia/:

Mt 24:18  /kai/ Neither /me/ let him which is in /en/ the field /agros/ return /epistrepho/ back /opiso/ to take /airo/ his /autos/ clothes /himation/.

Mt 24:40 Then /tote/ shall /esomai/ two /duo/ be /esomai/ in /en/ the field /agros/; the one /heis/ shall be taken /paralambano/, and /kai/ the other /heis/ left /aphiemi/.

Mt 27:7 And /de/ they took /lambano/ counsel /sumboulion/, and bought /agorazo/ with /ek/ them /autos/ the potter’s /kerameus/ field /agros/, to /eis/ bury /taphe/ strangers /xenos/ in /taphe/.

Mt 27:8 Wherefore /dio/ that /ekeinos/ field /agros/ was called /kaleo/, The field /agros/ of blood /haima/, unto /heos/ this day /semeron/.

Mt 27:10 And /kai/ gave /didomi/ them /autos/ for /eis/ the potter’s /kerameus/ field /agros/, as /katha/ the Lord /kurios/ appointed /suntasso/ me /moi/.

Mr 5:14 And /de/ they that fed /bosko/ the swine /choiros/ fled /pheugo/, and /kai/ told /anaggello/ it in /eis/ the city /polis/, and /kai/ in /eis/ the country /agros/. And /kai/ they went out /exerchomai/ to see /eido/ what /tis/ it was /esti/ that was done /ginomai/.

Mr 6:36 Send /apoluo/ them /autos/ away /apoluo/, that /hina/ they may go /aperchomai/ into /eis/ the country /agros/ round about /kuklo/, and /kai/ into the villages /kome/, and buy /agorazo/ themselves /heautou/ bread /artos/: for /gar/ they have /echo/ nothing /tis/ /ou/ to eat /phago/.

Mr 6:56 And /kai/ whithersoever /hopou/ /an/ he entered /eisporeuomai/, into /eis/ villages /kome/, or /e/ cities /polis/, or /e/ country /agros/, they laid /tithemi/ the sick /astheneo/ in /en/ the streets /agora/, and /kai/ besought /parakaleo/ him /autos/ that /hina/ they might touch /haptomai/ if /kan/ it were but /kan/ the border /kraspedon/ of his /autos/ garment /himation/: and /kai/ as many /hosos/ as /an/ touched /haptomai/ him /autos/ were made whole /sozo/. {touched him: or, touched it}

Mr 10:29 And /de/ Jesus /Iesous/ answered /apokrinomai/ and said /epo/, Verily /amen/ I say /lego/ unto you /humin/, There is /esti/ no man /oudeis/ that /hos/ hath left /aphiemi/ house /oikia/, or /e/ brethren /adelphos/, or /e/ sisters /adelphe/, or /e/ father /pater/, or /e/ mother /meter/, or /e/ wife /gune/, or /e/ children /teknon/, or /e/ lands /agros/, for my /emou/ sake /heneka/, and /kai/ the gospel’s /euaggelion/,

Mr 10:30 But /ean me/ he shall receive /lambano/ an hundredfold /hekatontaplasion/ now /nun/ in /en/ this /touto/ time /kairos/, houses /oikia/, and /kai/ brethren /adelphos/, and /kai/ sisters /adelphe/, and /kai/ mothers /meter/, and /kai/ children /teknon/, and /kai/ lands /agros/, with /meta/ persecutions /diogmos/; and /kai/ in /en/ the world /aion/ to come /erchomai/ eternal /aionios/ life /zoe/.

Mr 13:16 And /kai/ let /epistrepho/ him that is /on/ in /eis/ the field /agros/ not /me/ turn /eis/ /epistrepho/ back /opiso/ again /epistrepho/ for to take up /airo/ his /autos/ garment /himation/.

Mr 15:21 And /kai/ they compel /aggareuo/ one /tis/ Simon /Simon/ a Cyrenian /Kurenaios/, who passed by /parago/, coming /erchomai/ out of /apo/ the country /agros/, the father /pater/ of Alexander /Alexandros/ and /kai/ Rufus /Rhouphos/, to /hina/ bear /airo/ his /autos/ cross /stauros/.

Mr 16:12 After /de/ /meta/ that /tauta/ he appeared /phaneroo/ in /en/ another /heteros/ form /morphe/ unto two /duo/ of /ek/ them /autos/, as they walked /peripateo/, and went /poreuomai/ into /eis/ the country /agros/.

Lu 8:34 When /de/ they that fed /bosko/ them saw /eido/ what was done /ginomai/, they fled /pheugo/, and /kai/ went /aperchomai/ and told /apaggello/ it in /eis/ the city /polis/ and /kai/ in /eis/ the country /agros/.

Lu 9:12 And /de/ when the day /hemera/ began /archomai/ to wear away /klino/, then /de/ came /proserchomai/ the twelve /dodeka/, and said /epo/ unto him /autos/, Send /apoluo/ the multitude /ochlos/ away /apoluo/, that /hina/ they may go /aperchomai/ into /eis/ the towns /kome/ and /kai/ country /agros/ round about /kuklo/, and lodge /kataluo/, and /kai/ get /heurisko/ victuals /episitismos/: for /hoti/ we are /esmen/ here /hode/ in /en/ a desert /eremos/ place /topos/.

Lu 12:28 If /ei/ then /de/ God /theos/ so /houto/ clothe /amphiennumi/ the grass /chortos/, which /on/ is to day /semeron/ in /en/ the field /agros/, and /kai/ to morrow /aurion/ is cast /ballo/ into /eis/ the oven /klibanos/; how much /posos/ more /mallon/ will he clothe you /humas/, O ye of little faith /oligopistos/?

Lu 14:18 And /kai/ they all /pas/ with /apo/ one /mia/ consent began /archomai/ to make excuse /paraiteomai/. The first /protos/ said /epo/ unto him /autos/, I have bought /agorazo/ a piece of ground /agros/, and /kai/ I must /echo/ needs /anagke/ go /exerchomai/ and /kai/ see /eido/ it /autos/: I pray /erotao/ thee /se/ have /echo/ me /me/ excused /paraiteomai/.

Lu 15:15 And /kai/ he went /poreuomai/ and joined himself /kollao/ to /heis/ a citizen /polites/ of that /ekeinos/ country /chora/; and /kai/ he sent /pempo/ him /autos/ into /eis/ his /autos/ fields /agros/ to feed /bosko/ swine /choiros/.

Lu 15:25 Now /de/ his /autos/ elder /presbuteros/ son /huios/ was /en/ in /en/ the field /agros/: and /kai/ as /hos/ he came /erchomai/ and drew nigh /eggizo/ to the house /oikia/, he heard /akouo/ musick /sumphonia/ and /kai/ dancing /choros/.

Lu 17:7 But /de/ which /tis/ of /ek/ you /humon/, having /echo/ a servant /doulos/ plowing /arotrioo/ or /e/ feeding cattle /poimaino/, will say /ereo/ unto him /hos/ by and by /eutheos/, when he is come /eiserchomai/ from /ek/ the field /agros/, Go /parerchomai/ and sit down to meat /anapipto/?

Lu 17:31 In /en/ that /ekeinos/ day /hemera/, he which /hos/ shall be /esomai/ upon /epi/ the housetop /doma/, and /kai/ his /autos/ stuff /skeuos/ in /en/ the house /oikia/, let /katabaino/ him not /me/ come down /katabaino/ to take /airo/ it /autos/ away /airo/: and /kai/ he that is in /en/ the field /agros/, let him /epistrepho/ likewise /homoios/ not /me/ return /epistrepho/ back /eis/ /opiso/.

Lu 17:36 Two /duo/ men shall be /esomai/ in /en/ the field /agros/; the one /heis/ shall be taken /paralambano/, and /kai/ the other /heteros/ left /aphiemi/. {this verse is not found in most of the Greek copies}

Lu 23:26 And /kai/ as /hos/ they led /apago/ him /autos/ away /apago/, they laid hold upon /epilambanomai/ one /tis/ Simon /Simon/, a Cyrenian /Kurenaios/, coming /erchomai/ out of /apo/ the country /agros/, and on /epitithemi/ him /autos/ they laid /epitithemi/ the cross /stauros/, that he might bear /phero/ it after /opisthen/ Jesus /Iesous/.

Ac 4:37 Having /huparcho/ /autos/ land /agros/, sold /poleo/ it, and brought /phero/ the money /chrema/, and /kai/ laid /tithemi/ it at /para/ the apostles /apostolos/’ feet /pous/.


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