
G67. Agrippas, ag-rip’-pas

apparently from agrios and hippos; wild-horse tamer; Agrippas, one of the Herods:–Agrippa.


Ac 25:13 And /de/ after /diaginomai/ certain /tis/ days /hemera/ king /basileus/ Agrippa /Agrippas/ and /kai/ Bernice /Bernike/ came /katantao/ unto /eis/ Caesarea /Kaisereia/ to salute /aspazomai/ Festus /Phestos/.

Ac 25:22 Then /de/ Agrippa /Agrippas/ said /phemi/ unto /pros/ Festus /Phestos/, I would /boulomai/ also /kai/ hear /akouo/ the man /anthropos/ myself /autos/. To morrow /aurion/, /de/ said /phemi/ he, thou shalt hear /akouo/ him /autos/.

Ac 25:23 And on the morrow /epaurion/, when /oun/ Agrippa /Agrippas/ was come /erchomai/, and /kai/ Bernice /Bernike/, with /meta/ great /polus/ pomp /phantasia/, and /kai/ was entered /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ the place of hearing /akroaterion/, with /sun/ /te/ the chief captains /chiliarchos/, and /kai/ principal /kata/ /exoche/ men /aner/ of /on/ the city /polis/, at /kai/ Festus /Phestos/’ commandment /keleuo/ Paul /Paulos/ was brought forth /ago/.

Ac 25:24 And /kai/ Festus /Phestos/ said /phemi/, King /basileus/ Agrippa /Agrippas/, and /kai/ all /pas/ men /aner/ which /ho/ are here present /sumpareimi/ with us /hemin/, ye see /theoreo/ this man /touton/, about /peri/ whom /hos/ all /pas/ the multitude /plethos/ of the Jews /Ioudaios/ have dealt /entugchano/ with me /moi/, both /te/ at /en/ Jerusalem /Hierosoluma/, and /kai/ also here /enthade/, crying /epiboao/ that he ought /dei/ not /me/ to live /zao/ any longer /meketi/.

Ac 25:26 Of /peri/ whom /hos/ I have /echo/ no /ou/ certain /asphales/ thing /tis/ to write /grapho/ unto my lord /kurios/. Wherefore /dio/ I have brought /proago/ him /autos/ forth /proago/ before /epi/ you /humon/, and /kai/ specially /malista/ before /epi/ thee /sou/, O king /basileus/ Agrippa /Agrippas/, that /hopos/, after examination /anakrisis/ had /ginomai/, I might have /echo/ somewhat /tis/ to write /grapho/.

Ac 26:1 Then /de/ Agrippa /Agrippas/ said /phemi/ unto /pros/ Paul /Paulos/, Thou /soi/ art permitted /epitrepo/ to speak /lego/ for /huper/ thyself /seautou/. Then /tote/ Paul /Paulos/ stretched forth /ekteino/ the hand /cheir/, and answered for himself /apologeomai/:

Ac 26:2 I think /hegeomai/ myself /emautou/ happy /makarios/, king /basileus/ Agrippa /Agrippas/, because I shall /mello/ answer for myself /apologeomai/ this day /semeron/ before /epi/ thee /sou/ touching /peri/ all the things /pas/ whereof /hos/ I am accused /egkaleo/ of /hupo/ the Jews /Ioudaios/:

Ac 26:7 Unto /eis/ which /hos/ promise our /hemon/ twelve tribes /dodekaphulon/, instantly /en/ /ekteneia/ serving /latreuo/ God day /hemera/ and /kai/ night /nux/, hope /elpizo/ to come /katantao/. For /peri/ which /hos/ hope’s sake /elpis/, king /basileus/ Agrippa /Agrippas/, I am accused /egkaleo/ of /hupo/ the Jews /Ioudaios/. {day and night: Gr. night and day}

Ac 26:19 Whereupon /hothen/, O king /basileus/ Agrippa /Agrippas/, I was /ginomai/ not /ou/ disobedient /apeithes/ unto the heavenly /ouranios/ vision /optasia/:

Ac 26:27 King /basileus/ Agrippa /Agrippas/, believest thou /pisteuo/ the prophets /prophetes/? I know /eido/ that /hoti/ thou believest /pisteuo/.

Ac 26:28 Then /de/ Agrippa /Agrippas/ said /phemi/ unto /pros/ Paul /Paulos/, Almost /en/ /oligos/ thou persuadest /peitho/ me /me/ to be /ginomai/ a Christian /Christianos/.

Ac 26:32 Then /de/ said /phemi/ Agrippa /Agrippas/ unto Festus /Phestos/, This /houtos/ man /anthropos/ might /dunamai/ have been set at liberty /apoluo/, if /ei me/ he had /epikaleomai/ not /ei me/ appealed unto /epikaleomai/ Caesar /Kaisar/.


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