
G15.  agathopoieo,  ag-ath-op-oy-eh’-o

from agathopoios; to be a well-doer (as a favor or a duty):–(when) do good (well).


Mr 3:4 And /kai/ he saith /lego/ unto them /autos/, Is it lawful /exesti/ to do good /agathopoieo/ on the sabbath days /sabbaton/, or /e/ to do evil /kakopoieo/? to save /sozo/ life /psuche/, or /e/ to kill /apokteino/? But /de/ they held their peace /siopao/.

 Lu 6:9 Then /oun/ said /epo/ Jesus /Iesous/ unto /pros/ them /autos/, I will ask /eperotao/ you /humas/ one thing /tis/; Is it lawful /exesti/ on the sabbath days /sabbaton/ to do good /agathopoieo/, or /e/ to do evil /kakopoieo/? to save /sozo/ life /psuche/, or /e/ to destroy /apollumi/ it?

 Lu 6:33 And /kai/ if /ean/ ye do good /agathopoieo/ to them which do good /agathopoieo/ to you /humas/, what /poios/ thank /charis/ have /esti/ ye /humin/? for /gar/ sinners /hamartolos/ also do /poieo/ even /kai/ the same /autos/.

 Lu 6:35 But /plen/ love ye /agapao/ your /humon/ enemies /echthros/, and /kai/ do good /agathopoieo/, and /kai/ lend /daneizo/, hoping /apelpizo/ for nothing /medeis/ again /apelpizo/; and /kai/ your /humon/ reward /misthos/ shall be /esomai/ great /polus/, and /kai/ ye shall be /esomai/ the children /huios/ of the Highest /hupsistos/: for /hoti/ he /autos/ is /esti/ kind /chrestos/ unto /epi/ the unthankful /acharistos/ and /kai/ to the evil /poneros/.

 Ac 14:17 Nevertheless /kaitoige/ /kai/ he left /aphiemi/ not /ou/ himself /heautou/ without witness /amarturos/, in that he did good /agathopoieo/, and gave /didomi/ us /hemin/ rain /huetos/ from heaven /ouranothen/, and /kai/ fruitful /karpophoros/ seasons /kairos/, filling /empiplemi/ our /hemon/ hearts /kardia/ with food /trophe/ and /kai/ gladness /euphrosune/.

 1Pe 2:15 For /hoti/ so /houto/ is /esti/ the will /thelema/ of God /theos/, that with well doing /agathopoieo/ ye may put to silence /phimoo/ the ignorance /agnosia/ of foolish /aphron/ men /anthropos/:

 1Pe 2:20 For /gar/ what /poios/ glory /kleos/ is it, if /ei/, when /kai/ ye be buffeted /kolaphizo/ for your faults /hamartano/, ye shall take it patiently /hupomeno/? but /alla/ if /ei/, when ye do well /agathopoieo/, and /kai/ suffer /pascho/ for it, ye take it patiently /hupomeno/, this /touto/ is acceptable /charis/ with /para/ God /theos/. {acceptable: or, thank}

 1Pe 3:6 Even as /hos/ Sara /Sarrha/ obeyed /hupakouo/ Abraham /Abraam/, calling /kaleo/ him /autos/ lord /kurios/: whose /hos/ daughters /teknon/ ye are /ginomai/, as long as ye do well /agathopoieo/, and /kai/ are /phobeo/ not /me/ afraid /phobeo/ with any /medeis/ amazement /ptoesis/. {daughters: Gr. children}

 1Pe 3:17 For /gar/ it is better /kreitton/, if /ei/ the will /thelema/ of God /theos/ be so /thelo/, that ye suffer /pascho/ for well doing /agathopoieo/, than /e/ for evil doing /kakopoieo/.

 3Jo 1:11 Beloved /agapetos/, follow /mimeomai/ not /me/ that which is evil /kakos/, but /alla/ that which is good /agathos/. He that doeth good /agathopoieo/ is /esti/ of /ek/ God /theos/: but /de/ he that doeth evil /kakopoieo/ hath /horao/ not /ou/ seen /horao/ God /theos/.


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