
G26.  agape,  ag-ah’-pay

from agapao; love, i.e. affection or benevolence; specially (plural) a love-feast:–(feast of) charity(-ably), dear, love.


Mt 24:12 And /kai/ because /dia/ iniquity /anomia/ shall abound /plethuno/, the love /agape/ of many /polus/ shall wax cold /psucho/.

Lu 11:42 But /alla/ woe /ouai/ unto you /humin/, Pharisees /Pharisaios/! for /hoti/ ye tithe /apodekatoo/ mint /heduosmon/ and /kai/ rue /peganon/ and /kai/ all manner /pas/ of herbs /lachanon/, and /kai/ pass over /parerchomai/ judgment /krisis/ and /kai/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/: these /tauta/ ought ye /dei/ to have done /poieo/, and not /me/ to leave /aphiemi/ the other /kakeinos/ undone /aphiemi/.

Joh 5:42 But /alla/ I know /ginosko/ you /humas/, that /hoti/ ye have /echo/ not /ou/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/ in /en/ you /heautou/.

Joh 13:35 By /en/ this /touto/ shall /ginosko/ all /pas/ men know /ginosko/ that /hoti/ ye are /este/ my /emos/ disciples /mathetes/, if /ean/ ye have /echo/ love /agape/ one to another /en/ /allelon/.

Joh 15:9 As /kathos/ the Father /pater/ hath loved /agapao/ me /me/, so /kago/ have /agapao/ I /kago/ loved /agapao/ you /humas/: continue ye /meno/ in /en/ my /emos/ love /agape/.

 Joh 15:10 If /ean/ ye keep /tereo/ my /mou/ commandments /entole/, ye shall abide /meno/ in /en/ my /mou/ love /agape/; even as /kathos/ I /ego/ have kept /tereo/ my /mou/ Father’s /pater/ commandments /entole/, and /kai/ abide /meno/ in /en/ his /autos/ love /agape/.

 Joh 15:13 Greater /meizon/ love /agape/ hath /echo/ no man /oudeis/ than /meizon/ this /taute/, that /hina/ a man /tis/ lay down /tithemi/ his /autos/ life /psuche/ for /huper/ his /autos/ friends /philos/.

 Joh 17:26 And /kai/ I have declared /gnorizo/ unto them /autos/ thy /sou/ name /onoma/, and /kai/ will declare /gnorizo/ it: that /hina/ the love /agape/ wherewith /hos/ thou hast loved /agapao/ me /me/ may be /o/ in /en/ them /autos/, and I /kago/ in /en/ them /autos/.

 Ro 5:5 And /de/ hope /elpis/ maketh /kataischuno/ not /ou/ ashamed /kataischuno/; because /hoti/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/ is shed abroad /ekcheo/ in /en/ our /hemon/ hearts /kardia/ by /dia/ the Holy /hagios/ Ghost /pneuma/ which /ho/ is given /didomi/ unto us /hemin/.

 Ro 5:8 But /de/ God /theos/ commendeth /sunistao/ his /heautou/ love /agape/ toward /eis/ us /hemas/, in that /hoti/, while we /hemon/ were /on/ yet /eti/ sinners /hamartolos/, Christ /Christos/ died /apothnesko/ for /huper/ us /hemon/.

 Ro 8:35 Who /tis/ shall separate /chorizo/ us /hemas/ from /apo/ the love /agape/ of Christ /Christos/? shall tribulation /thlipsis/, or /e/ distress /stenochoria/, or /e/ persecution /diogmos/, or /e/ famine /limos/, or /e/ nakedness /gumnotes/, or /e/ peril /kindunos/, or /e/ sword /machaira/?

 Ro 8:39 Nor /oute/ height /hupsoma/, nor /oute/ depth /bathos/, nor /oute/ any /tis/ other /heteros/ creature /ktisis/, shall be able /dunamai/ to separate /chorizo/ us /hemas/ from /apo/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/, which is in /en/ Christ /Christos/ Jesus /Iesous/ our /hemon/ Lord /kurios/.

 Ro 12:9 Let love /agape/ be without dissimulation /anupokritos/. Abhor /apostugeo/ that which is evil /poneros/; cleave /kollao/ to that which is good /agathos/.

 Ro 13:10 Love /agape/ worketh /ergazomai/ no /ou/ ill /kakos/ to his neighbour /plesion/: therefore /oun/ love /agape/ is the fulfilling /pleroma/ of the law /nomos/.

 Ro 14:15 But /de/ if /ei/ thy /sou/ brother /adelphos/ be grieved /lupeo/ with /dia/ thy meat /broma/, now /ouketi/ walkest thou /peripateo/ not /ouketi/ charitably /agape/ /kata/. Destroy /apollumi/ not /me/ him /ekeinos/ with thy /sou/ meat /broma/, for /huper/ whom /hos/ Christ /Christos/ died /apothnesko/. {charitably: Gr. according to charity}

 Ro 15:30 Now /de/ I beseech /parakaleo/ you /humas/, brethren /adelphos/, for /dia/ the Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ’s /Christos/ sake /hemon/, and /kai/ for /dia/ the love /agape/ of the Spirit /pneuma/, that ye strive together /sunagonizomai/ with me /moi/ in /en/ your prayers /proseuche/ to /pros/ God /theos/ for /huper/ me /emou/;

 1Co 4:21 What /tis/ will ye /thelo/? shall I come /erchomai/ unto /pros/ you /humas/ with /en/ a rod /rhabdos/, or /e/ in /en/ love /agape/, and /te/ in the spirit /pneuma/ of meekness /praotes/?

 1Co 8:1 Now /de/ as touching /peri/ things offered unto idols /eidolothuton/, we know /eido/ that /hoti/ we all /pas/ have /echo/ knowledge /gnosis/. Knowledge /gnosis/ puffeth up /phusioo/, but /de/ charity /agape/ edifieth /oikodomeo/.

 1Co 13:1 Though /ean/ I speak /laleo/ with the tongues /glossa/ of men /anthropos/ and /kai/ of angels /aggelos/, and /de/ have /echo/ not /me/ charity /agape/, I am become /ginomai/ as sounding /echeo/ brass /chalkos/, or /e/ a tinkling /alalazo/ cymbal /kumbalon/.

 1Co 13:2 And /kai/ though /ean/ I have /echo/ the gift of prophecy /propheteia/, and /kai/ understand /eido/ all /pas/ mysteries /musterion/, and /kai/ all /pas/ knowledge /gnosis/; and /kai/ though /ean/ I have /echo/ all /pas/ faith /pistis/, so /hoste/ that I could remove /methistemi/ mountains /oros/, and /de/ have /echo/ not /me/ charity /agape/, I am /eimi/ nothing /oudeis/.

 1Co 13:3 And /kai/ though /ean/ I bestow /psomizo/ all /pas/ my /mou/ goods /huparchonta/ to feed /psomizo/ the poor, and /kai/ though /ean/ I give /paradidomi/ my /mou/ body /soma/ to /hina/ be burned /kaio/, and /de/ have /echo/ not /me/ charity /agape/, it profiteth me /opheleo/ nothing /oudeis/.

 1Co 13:4 Charity /agape/ suffereth long /makrothumeo/, and is kind /chresteuomai/; charity /agape/ envieth /zeloo/ not /ou/; charity /agape/ vaunteth /perpereuomai/ not /ou/ itself /perpereuomai/, is /phusioo/ not /ou/ puffed up /phusioo/, {vaunteth…: or, is not rash}

 1Co 13:8 Charity /agape/ never /oudepote/ faileth /ekpipto/: but /de/ whether /eite/ there be prophecies /propheteia/, they shall fail /katargeo/; whether /eite/ there be tongues /glossa/, they shall cease /pauo/; whether /eite/ there be knowledge /gnosis/, it shall vanish away /katargeo/. {fail: Gr. vanish away}

 1Co 13:13 And /de/ now /nuni/ abideth /meno/ faith /pistis/, hope /elpis/, charity /agape/, these /tauta/ three /treis/; but /de/ the greatest /meizon/ of these /touton/ is charity /agape/.

 1Co 14:1 Follow /dioko/ after charity /agape/, and /de/ desire /zeloo/ spiritual /pneumatikos/ gifts, but /de/ rather /mallon/ that /hina/ ye may prophesy /propheteuo/.

 1Co 16:14 Let /ginomai/ all /pas/ your /humon/ things /pas/ be done /ginomai/ with /en/ charity /agape/.

 1Co 16:24 My /mou/ love /agape/ be with /meta/ you /humon/ all /pas/ in /en/ Christ /Christos/ Jesus /Iesous/. Amen /amen/. //The first /protos/ [epistle to /pros/ the Corinthians /Korinthios/ was written /grapho/ from /apo/ Philippi /Philippoi/ by /dia/ Stephanas /Stephanas/ and /kai/ Fortunatus /Phortounatos/ and /kai/ Achaicus /Achaikos/ and /kai/ Timotheus /Timotheos/.]//

 2Co 2:4 For /gar/ out of /ek/ much /polus/ affliction /thlipsis/ and /kai/ anguish /sunoche/ of heart /kardia/ I wrote /grapho/ unto you /humin/ with /dia/ many /polus/ tears /dakru/; not /ou/ that /hina/ ye should be grieved /lupeo/, but /alla/ that /hina/ ye might know /ginosko/ the love /agape/ which /hos/ I have /echo/ more abundantly /perissoteros/ unto /eis/ you /humas/.

 2Co 2:8 Wherefore /dio/ I beseech /parakaleo/ you /humas/ that ye would confirm /kuroo/ your love /agape/ toward /eis/ him /autos/.

 2Co 5:14 For /gar/ the love /agape/ of Christ /Christos/ constraineth /sunecho/ us /hemas/; because we thus /touto/ judge /krino/, that /hoti/ if /ei/ one /heis/ died /apothnesko/ for /huper/ all /pas/, then /ara/ were /apothnesko/ all /pas/ dead /apothnesko/:

 2Co 6:6 By /en/ pureness /hagnotes/, by /en/ knowledge /gnosis/, by /en/ longsuffering /makrothumia/, by /en/ kindness /chrestotes/, by /en/ the Holy /hagios/ Ghost /pneuma/, by /en/ love /agape/ unfeigned /anupokritos/,

 2Co 8:7 Therefore /alla/, as /hosper/ ye abound /perisseuo/ in /en/ every /pas/ thing, in faith /pistis/, and /kai/ utterance /logos/, and /kai/ knowledge /gnosis/, and /kai/ in all /pas/ diligence /spoude/, and /kai/ in your /humon/ love /agape/ /ek/ to /en/ us /hemin/, see that /hina/ ye abound /perisseuo/ in /en/ this /taute/ grace /charis/ also /kai/.

 2Co 8:8 I speak /lego/ not /ou/ by /kata/ commandment /epitage/, but /alla/ by occasion /dia/ of the forwardness /spoude/ of others /heteros/, and /kai/ to prove /dokimazo/ the sincerity /gnesios/ of your /humeteros/ love /agape/.

 2Co 8:24 Wherefore /oun/ shew ye /endeiknumi/ to /eis/ them /autos/, and /kai/ before /eis/ /prosopon/ the churches /ekklesia/, the proof /endeixis/ of your /humon/ love /agape/, and /kai/ of our /hemon/ boasting /kauchesis/ on /huper/ your /humon/ behalf /huper/.

 2Co 13:11 Finally /loipon/, brethren /adelphos/, farewell /chairo/. Be perfect /katartizo/, be of good comfort /parakaleo/, be of one /autos/ mind /phroneo/, live in peace /eireneuo/; and /kai/ the God /theos/ of love /agape/ and /kai/ peace /eirene/ shall be /esomai/ with /meta/ you /humon/.

 2Co 13:14 The grace /charis/ of the Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/, and /kai/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/, and /kai/ the communion /koinonia/ of the Holy /hagios/ Ghost /pneuma/, be with /meta/ you /humon/ all /pas/. Amen /amen/. //The second /deuteros/ [epistle to /pros/ the Corinthians /Korinthios/ was written /grapho/ from /apo/ Philippi /Philippoi/, a city of Macedonia /Makedonia/, by /dia/ Titus /Titos/ and /kai/ Lucas /Loukas/.]//

 Ga 5:6 For gar/ in /en/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/ neither /oute/ circumcision /peritome/ availeth /ischuo/ any thing /tis/, nor /oute/ uncircumcision /akrobustia/; but /alla/ faith /pistis/ which worketh /energeo/ by /dia/ love /agape/.

 Ga 5:13 For /gar/, brethren /adelphos/, ye /humeis/ have been called /kaleo/ unto /epi/ liberty /eleutheria/; only /monon/ use not /me/ liberty /eleutheria/ for /eis/ an occasion /aphorme/ to the flesh /sarx/, but /alla/ by /dia/ love /agape/ serve /douleuo/ one another /allelon/.

 Ga 5:22 But /de/ the fruit /karpos/ of the Spirit /pneuma/ is /esti/ love /agape/, joy /chara/, peace /eirene/, longsuffering /makrothumia/, gentleness /chrestotes/, goodness /agathosune/, faith /pistis/,

 Eph 1:4 According as /kathos/ he hath chosen /eklegomai/ us /hemas/ in /en/ him /autos/ before /pro/ the foundation /katabole/ of the world /kosmos/, that we /hemas/ should be /einai/ holy /hagios/ and /kai/ without blame /amomos/ before /katenopion/ him /autos/ in /en/ love /agape/:

 Eph 1:15 Wherefore /dia/ /touto/ I also /kago/, after I heard /akouo/ of /kata/ your /humas/ faith /pistis/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/, and /kai/ love /agape/ unto /eis/ all /pas/ the saints /hagios/,

 Eph 2:4 But /de/ God /theos/, who is /on/ rich /plousios/ in /en/ mercy /eleos/, for /dia/ his /autos/ great /polus/ love /agape/ wherewith /hos/ he loved /agapao/ us /hemas/,

 Eph 3:17 That Christ /Christos/ may dwell /katoikeo/ in /en/ your /humon/ hearts /kardia/ by /dia/ faith /pistis/; that /hina/ ye, being rooted /rhizoo/ and /kai/ grounded /themelioo/ in /en/ love /agape/,

 Eph 3:19 And /te/ to know /ginosko/ the love /agape/ of Christ /Christos/, which passeth /huperballo/ knowledge /gnosis/, that /hina/ ye might be filled /pleroo/ with /eis/ all /pas/ the fulness /pleroma/ of God /theos/.

 Eph 4:2 With /meta/ all /pas/ lowliness /tapeinophrosune/ and /kai/ meekness /praotes/, with /meta/ longsuffering /makrothumia/, forbearing /anechomai/ one another /allelon/ in /en/ love /agape/;

 Eph 4:15 But /de/ speaking the truth /aletheuo/ in /en/ love /agape/, may grow up /auxano/ into /eis/ him /autos/ in all things /pas/, which /hos/ is /esti/ the head /kephale/, even Christ /Christos/: {speaking…: or, being sincere}

 Eph 4:16 From /ek/ whom /hos/ the whole /pas/ body /soma/ fitly joined together /sunarmologeo/ and /kai/ compacted /sumbibazo/ by /dia/ that which every /pas/ joint /haphe/ supplieth /epichoregia/, according /kata/ to the effectual working /energeia/ in /en/ the measure /metron/ of every /hekastos/ part /heis/ /meros/, maketh /poieo/ increase /auxesis/ of the body /soma/ unto /eis/ the edifying /oikodome/ of itself /heautou/ in /en/ love /agape/.

 Eph 5:2 And /kai/ walk /peripateo/ in /en/ love /agape/, as /kathos/ Christ /Christos/ also /kai/ hath loved /agapao/ us /hemas/, and /kai/ hath given /paradidomi/ himself /heautou/ for /huper/ us /hemon/ an offering /prosphora/ and /kai/ a sacrifice /thusia/ to God /theos/ for /eis/ a sweetsmelling /euodia/ savour /osme/.

 Eph 6:23 Peace /eirene/ be to the brethren /adelphos/, and /kai/ love /agape/ with /meta/ faith /pistis/, from /apo/ God /theos/ the Father /pater/ and /kai/ the Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/.

 Php 1:9 And /kai/ this /touto/ I pray /proseuchomai/, that /hina/ your /humon/ love /agape/ may abound /perisseuo/ yet /eti/ more /mallon/ and /kai/ more /mallon/ in /en/ knowledge /epignosis/ and /kai/ in all /pas/ judgment /aisthesis/; {judgment: or, sense}

 Php 1:17 But /de/ the other of /ek/ love /agape/, knowing /eido/ that /hoti/ I am set /keimai/ for /eis/ the defence /apologia/ of the gospel /euaggelion/.

 Php 2:1 If there be therefore /oun/ any /ei tis/ consolation /paraklesis/ in /en/ Christ /Christos/, if any /ei tis/ comfort /paramuthion/ of love /agape/, if any /ei tis/ fellowship /koinonia/ of the Spirit /pneuma/, if any /ei tis/ bowels /splagchnon/ and /kai/ mercies /oiktirmos/,

 Php 2:2 Fulfil ye /pleroo/ my /mou/ joy /chara/, that /hina/ ye be likeminded /autos/ /phroneo/, having /echo/ the same /autos/ love /agape/, being of one accord /sumpsuchos/, of one /heis/ mind /phroneo/.

 Col 1:4 Since we heard /akouo/ of your /humon/ faith /pistis/ in /en/ Christ /Christos/ Jesus /Iesous/, and /kai/ of the love /agape/ which /ho/ ye have to /eis/ all /pas/ the saints /hagios/,

 Col 1:8 Who /ho/ also /kai/ declared /deloo/ unto us /hemin/ your /humon/ love /agape/ in /en/ the Spirit /pneuma/.

 Col 1:13 Who /hos/ hath delivered /rhoumai/ us /hemas/ from /ek/ the power /exousia/ of darkness /skotos/, and /kai/ hath translated /methistemi/ us into /eis/ the kingdom /basileia/ of his /autos/ dear /agape/ Son /huios/: {his…: Gr. the Son of his love}

 Col 2:2 That /hina/ their /autos/ hearts /kardia/ might be comforted /parakaleo/, being knit together /sumbibazo/ in /en/ love /agape/, and /kai/ unto /eis/ all /pas/ riches /ploutos/ of the full assurance /plerophoria/ of understanding /sunesis/, to /eis/ the acknowledgement /epignosis/ of the mystery /musterion/ of God /theos/, and /kai/ of the Father /pater/, and /kai/ of Christ /Christos/;

 Col 3:14 And /de/ above /epi/ all /pas/ these things /toutois/ put on charity /agape/, which /hostis/ is /esti/ the bond /sundesmos/ of perfectness /teleiotes/.

 1Th 1:3 Remembering /mnemoneuo/ without ceasing /adialeiptos/ your /humon/ work /ergon/ of faith /pistis/, and /kai/ labour /kopos/ of love /agape/, and /kai/ patience /hupomone/ of hope /elpis/ in our /hemon/ Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/, in the sight /emprosthen/ of God /theos/ and /kai/ our /hemon/ Father /pater/;

 1Th 3:6 But /de/ now /arti/ when Timotheus /Timotheos/ came /erchomai/ from /apo/ you /humon/ unto /pros/ us /hemas/, and /kai/ brought /euaggelizo/ us /hemin/ good tidings /euaggelizo/ of your /humon/ faith /pistis/ and /kai/ charity /agape/, and /kai/ that /hoti/ ye have /echo/ good /agathos/ remembrance /mneia/ of us /hemon/ always /pantote/, desiring greatly /epipotheo/ to see /eido/ us /hemas/, as /kathaper/ we /hemeis/ also /kai/ to see you /humas/:

 1Th 3:12 And /de/ the Lord /kurios/ make /pleonazo/ you /humas/ to increase /pleonazo/ and /kai/ abound /perisseuo/ in love /agape/ one /allelon/ toward /eis/ another /allelon/, and /kai/ toward /eis/ all /pas/ men, even /kai/ as /kathaper/ we /hemeis/ do toward /eis/ you /humas/:

 1Th 5:8 But /de/ let /nepho/ us /hemeis/, who are /on/ of the day /hemera/, be sober /nepho/, putting on /enduo/ the breastplate /thorax/ of faith /pistis/ and /kai/ love /agape/; and /kai/ for an helmet /perikephalaia/, the hope /elpis/ of salvation /soteria/.

 1Th 5:13 And /kai/ to esteem /hegeomai/ them /autos/ very /huper/ highly /ek/ /perissos/ in /en/ love /agape/ for /dia/ their /autos/ work’s sake /ergon/. And be at peace /eireneuo/ among /en/ yourselves /heautou/.

 2Th 1:3 We are bound /opheilo/ to thank /eucharisteo/ God /theos/ always /pantote/ for /peri/ you /humon/, brethren /adelphos/, as /kathos/ it is /esti/ meet /axios/, because /hoti/ that your /humon/ faith /pistis/ groweth exceedingly /huperauxano/, and /kai/ the charity /agape/ of every /hekastos/ one /heis/ of you /humon/ all /pas/ toward /eis/ each other /allelon/ aboundeth /pleonazo/;

 2Th 2:10 And /kai/ with /en/ all /pas/ deceivableness /apate/ of unrighteousness /adikia/ in /en/ them that perish /apollumi/; because /anti/ /hos/ they received /dechomai/ not /ou/ the love /agape/ of the truth /aletheia/, that /eis/ they /autos/ might be saved /sozo/.

 2Th 3:5 And /de/ the Lord /kurios/ direct /kateuthuno/ your /humon/ hearts /kardia/ into /eis/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/, and /kai/ into /eis/ the patient waiting /hupomone/ for Christ /Christos/. {patient…: or, patience of Christ}

 1Ti 1:5 Now /de/ the end /telos/ of the commandment /paraggelia/ is /esti/ charity /agape/ out of /ek/ a pure /katharos/ heart /kardia/, and /kai/ of a good /agathos/ conscience /suneidesis/, and /kai/ of faith /pistis/ unfeigned /anupokritos/:

 1Ti 1:14 And /de/ the grace /charis/ of our /hemon/ Lord /kurios/ was exceeding abundant /huperpleonazo/ with /meta/ faith /pistis/ and /kai/ love /agape/ which /ho/ is in /en/ Christ /Christos/ Jesus /Iesous/.

 1Ti 2:15 Notwithstanding /de/ she shall be saved /sozo/ in /dia/ childbearing /teknogonia/, if /ean/ they continue /meno/ in /en/ faith /pistis/ and /kai/ charity /agape/ and /kai/ holiness /hagiasmos/ with /meta/ sobriety /sophrosune/.

 1Ti 4:12 Let /kataphroneo/ no man /medeis/ despise /kataphroneo/ thy /sou/ youth /neotes/; but /alla/ be thou /ginomai/ an example /tupos/ of the believers /pistos/, in /en/ word /logos/, in /en/ conversation /anastrophe/, in /en/ charity /agape/, in /en/ spirit /pneuma/, in /en/ faith /pistis/, in /en/ purity /hagneia/.

 1Ti 6:11 But /de/ thou /su/, O /o/ man /anthropos/ of God /theos/, flee /pheugo/ these things /tauta/; and /de/ follow after /dioko/ righteousness /dikaiosune/, godliness /eusebeia/, faith /pistis/, love /agape/, patience /hupomone/, meekness /praotes/.

 2Ti 1:7 For /gar/ God /theos/ hath /didomi/ not /ou/ given /didomi/ us /hemin/ the spirit /pneuma/ of fear /deilia/; but /alla/ of power /dunamis/, and /kai/ of love /agape/, and /kai/ of a sound mind /sophronismos/.

 2Ti 1:13 Hold fast /echo/ the form /hupotuposis/ of sound /hugiaino/ words /logos/, which /hos/ thou hast heard /akouo/ of /para/ me /emou/, in /en/ faith /pistis/ and /kai/ love /agape/ which /ho/ is in /en/ Christ /Christos/ Jesus /Iesous/.

 2Ti 2:22 Flee /pheugo/ also /de/ youthful /neoterikos/ lusts /epithumia/: but /de/ follow /dioko/ righteousness /dikaiosune/, faith /pistis/, charity /agape/, peace /eirene/, with /meta/ them that call on /epikaleomai/ the Lord /kurios/ out of /ek/ a pure /katharos/ heart /kardia/.

 2Ti 3:10 But /de/ thou /su/ hast fully known /parakoloutheo/ my /mou/ doctrine /didaskalia/, manner of life /agoge/, purpose /prothesis/, faith /pistis/, longsuffering /makrothumia/, charity /agape/, patience /hupomone/, {fully…: or, been a diligent follower of}

 Tit 2:2 That the aged men /presbutes/ be /einai/ sober /nephaleos/, grave /semnos/, temperate /sophron/, sound /hugiaino/ in faith /pistis/, in charity /agape/, in patience /hupomone/. {sober: or, vigilant}

 Phm 1:5 Hearing /akouo/ of thy /sou/ love /agape/ and /kai/ faith /pistis/, which /hos/ thou hast /echo/ toward /pros/ the Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/, and /kai/ toward /eis/ all /pas/ saints /hagios/;

 Phm 1:7 For /gar/ we have /echo/ great /polus/ joy /charis/ and /kai/ consolation /paraklesis/ in /epi/ thy /sou/ love /agape/, because /hoti/ the bowels /splagchnon/ of the saints /hagios/ are refreshed /anapauo/ by /dia/ thee /sou/, brother /adelphos/.

 Phm 1:9 Yet for /dia/ love’s /agape/ sake I /parakaleo/ rather /mallon/ beseech /parakaleo/ thee, being /on/ such an one /toioutos/ as /hos/ Paul /Paulos/ the aged /presbutes/, and /de/ now /nuni/ also /kai/ a prisoner /desmios/ of Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/.

 Heb 6:10 For /gar/ God /theos/ is not /ou/ unrighteous /adikos/ to forget /epilanthanomai/ your /humon/ work /ergon/ and /kai/ labour /kopos/ of love /agape/, which /hos/ ye have shewed /endeiknumi/ /endeiknumi/ toward /eis/ his /autos/ name /onoma/, in that ye have ministered /diakoneo/ to the saints /hagios/, and /kai/ do minister /diakoneo/.

 Heb 10:24 And /kai/ let us consider /katanoeo/ one another /allelon/ to /eis/ provoke /paroxusmos/ unto love /agape/ and /kai/ to good /kalos/ works /ergon/:

 1Pe 4:8 And /de/ above /pro/ all things /pas/ have /echo/ fervent /ektenes/ charity /agape/ among /eis/ yourselves /heautou/: for /hoti/ charity /agape/ shall cover /kalupto/ the multitude /plethos/ of sins /hamartia/. {shall: or, will}

 1Pe 5:14 Greet ye /aspazomai/ one another /allelon/ with /en/ a kiss /philema/ of charity /agape/. Peace /eirene/ be with you /humin/ all /pas/ that are in /en/ Christ /Christos/ Jesus /Iesous/. Amen /amen/.

 2Pe 1:7 And /de/ to /en/ godliness /eusebeia/ brotherly kindness /philadelphia/; and /de/ to /en/ brotherly kindness /philadelphia/ charity /agape/.

 1Jo 2:5 But /de/ whoso /hos/ keepeth /an/ /tereo/ his /autos/ word /logos/, in /en/ him /touto/ verily /alethos/ is /teleioo/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/ perfected /teleioo/: hereby /en/ /touto/ know we /ginosko/ that /hoti/ we are /esmen/ in /en/ him /autos/.

 1Jo 2:15 Love /agapao/ not /me/ the world /kosmos/, neither /mede/ the things that are in /en/ the world /kosmos/. If /ean/ any man /tis/ love /agapao/ the world /kosmos/, the love /agape/ of the Father /pater/ is /esti/ not /ou/ in /en/ him /autos/.

 1Jo 3:1 Behold /eido/, what manner /potapos/ of love /agape/ the Father /pater/ hath bestowed /didomi/ upon us /hemin/, that /hina/ we should be called /kaleo/ the sons /teknon/ of God /theos/: therefore /dia/ /touto/ the world /kosmos/ knoweth /ginosko/ us /hemas/ not /ou/, because /hoti/ it knew /ginosko/ him /autos/ not /ou/.

 1Jo 3:16 Hereby /en/ /touto/ perceive we /ginosko/ the love /agape/ of God, because /hoti/ he /ekeinos/ laid down /tithemi/ his /autos/ life /psuche/ for /huper/ us /hemon/: and /kai/ we /hemeis/ ought /opheilo/ to lay down /tithemi/ our lives /psuche/ for /huper/ the brethren /adelphos/.

 1Jo 3:17 But /de/ whoso /hos/ /an/ hath /echo/ this world’s /kosmos/ good /bios/, and /kai/ seeth /theoreo/ his /autos/ brother /adelphos/ have /echo/ need /chreia/, and /kai/ shutteth up /kleio/ his /autos/ bowels /splagchnon/ of compassion from /apo/ him /autos/, how /pos/ dwelleth /meno/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/ in /en/ him /autos/?

 1Jo 4:7 Beloved /agapetos/, let us love /agapao/ one another /allelon/: for /hoti/ love /agape/ is /esti/ of /ek/ God /theos/; and /kai/ every one /pas/ that loveth /agapao/ is born /gennao/ of /ek/ God /theos/, and /kai/ knoweth /ginosko/ God /theos/.

 1Jo 4:8 He that loveth /agapao/ not /me/ knoweth /ginosko/ not /ou/ God /theos/; for /hoti/ God /theos/ is /esti/ love /agape/.

1Jo 4:9 In /en/ this /touto/ was manifested /phaneroo/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/ toward /en/ us /hemin/, because /hoti/ that God /theos/ sent /apostello/ his /autos/ only begotten /monogenes/ Son /huios/ into /eis/ the world /kosmos/, that /hina/ we might live /zao/ through /dia/ him /autos/.

 1Jo 4:10 Herein /en/ /touto/ is /esti/ love /agape/, not /hoti/ that /ou/ we /hemeis/ loved /agapao/ God /theos/, but /alla/ that /hoti/ he /autos/ loved /agapao/ us /hemas/, and /kai/ sent /apostello/ his /autos/ Son /huios/ to be the propitiation /hilasmos/ for /peri/ our /hemon/ sins /hamartia/.

 1Jo 4:12 No man /oudeis/ hath seen /theaomai/ God /theos/ at any time /popote/. If /ean/ we love /agapao/ one another /allelon/, God /theos/ dwelleth /meno/ in /en/ us /hemin/, and /kai/ his /autos/ love /agape/ is /esti/ perfected /teleioo/ in /en/ us /hemin/.

1Jo 4:16 And /kai/ we /hemeis/ have known /ginosko/ and /kai/ believed /pisteuo/ the love /agape/ that /hos/ God /theos/ hath /echo/ to /en/ us /hemin/. God /theos/ is /esti/ love /agape/; and /kai/ he that dwelleth /meno/ in /en/ love /agape/ dwelleth /meno/ in /en/ God /theos/, and /kai/ God /theos/ in /en/ him /autos/.

 1Jo 4:17 Herein /en/ /touto/ is our /meta/ /hemon/ love /agape/ made perfect /teleioo/, that /hina/ we may have /echo/ boldness /parrhesia/ in /en/ the day /hemera/ of judgment /krisis/: because /hoti/ as /kathos/ he /ekeinos/ is /esti/, so /kai/ are /esmen/ we /hemeis/ in /en/ this /touto/ world /kosmos/. {our love: Gr. love with us}

 1Jo 4:18 There is /esti/ no /ou/ fear /phobos/ in /en/ love /agape/; but /alla/ perfect /teleios/ love /agape/ casteth /ballo/ out /exo/ fear /phobos/: because /hoti/ fear /phobos/ hath /echo/ torment /kolasis/. /de/ He that feareth /phobeo/ is /teleioo/ not /ou/ made perfect /teleioo/ in /en/ love /agape/.

 1Jo 5:3 For /gar/ this /houtos/ is /esti/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/, that /hina/ we keep /tereo/ his /autos/ commandments /entole/: and /kai/ his /autos/ commandments /entole/ are /eisi/ not /ou/ grievous /barus/.

 2Jo 1:3 Grace /charis/ be /esomai/ with /meta/ you /humon/, mercy /eleos/, and peace /eirene/, from /para/ God /theos/ the Father /pater/, and /kai/ from /para/ the Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/, the Son /huios/ of the Father /pater/, in /en/ truth /aletheia/ and /kai/ love /agape/. {be: Gr. shall be}

 2Jo 1:6 And /kai/ this /houtos/ is /esti/ love /agape/, that /hina/ we walk /peripateo/ after /kata/ his /autos/ commandments /entole/. This /houtos/ is /esti/ the commandment /entole/, That /hina/, as /kathos/ ye have heard /akouo/ from /apo/ the beginning /arche/, ye should walk /peripateo/ in /en/ it /autos/.

 3Jo 1:6 Which /hos/ have borne witness /martureo/ of thy /sou/ charity /agape/ before /enopion/ the church /ekklesia/: whom /hos/ if thou bring forward on their journey /propempo/ after /axios/ a godly /theos/ sort /axios/, thou shalt do /poieo/ well /kalos/: {after…: Gr. worthy of God}

 Jude 1:2 Mercy /eleos/ unto you /humin/, and /kai/ peace /eirene/, and /kai/ love /agape/, be multiplied /plethuno/.

 Jude 1:12 These /houtos/ are /eisi/ spots /spilas/ in /en/ your /humon/ feasts of charity /agape/, when they feast /suneuocheo/ with you /humin/, feeding /poimaino/ themselves /heautou/ without fear /aphobos/: clouds /nephele/ they are without water /anudros/, carried about /periphero/ of /hupo/ winds /anemos/; trees /dendron/ whose fruit withereth /phthinoporinos/, without fruit /akarpos/, twice /dis/ dead /apothnesko/, plucked up by the roots /ekrizoo/;

 Jude 1:21 Keep /tereo/ yourselves /heautou/ in /en/ the love /agape/ of God /theos/, looking for /prosdechomai/ the mercy /eleos/ of our /hemon/ Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/ unto /eis/ eternal /aionios/ life /zoe/.

 Re 2:4 Nevertheless /alla/ I have /echo/ somewhat against /kata/ thee /sou/, because /hoti/ thou hast left /aphiemi/ thy /sou/ first /protos/ love /agape/.

 Re 2:19 I know /eido/ thy /sou/ works /ergon/, and /kai/ charity /agape/, and /kai/ service /diakonia/, and /kai/ faith /pistis/, and /kai/ thy /sou/ patience /hupomone/, and /kai/ thy /sou/ works /ergon/; and /kai/ the last /eschatos/ to be more than /pleion/ the first /protos/.


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