
G23.  aganakteo,  ag-an-ak-teh’-o

from agan (much) and achthos (grief; akin to the base of agkale); to be greatly afflicted, i.e. (figuratively) indignant:–be much (sore) displeased, have (be moved with, with) indignation.


Mt 20:24 And /kai/ when the ten /deka/ heard /akouo/ it, they were moved with indignation /aganakteo/ against /peri/ the two /duo/ brethren /adelphos/.

 Mt 21:15 And /de/ when the chief priests /archiereus/ and /kai/ scribes /grammateus/ saw /eido/ the wonderful things /thaumasios/ that /hos/ he did /poieo/, and /kai/ the children /pais/ crying /krazo/ in /en/ the temple /hieron/, and /kai/ saying /lego/, Hosanna /hosanna/ to the Son /huios/ of David /Dabid/; they were sore displeased /aganakteo/,

 Mt 26:8 But /de/ when his /autos/ disciples /mathetes/ saw /eido/ it, they had indignation /aganakteo/, saying /lego/, To /eis/ what purpose /tis/ is this /houtos/ waste /apoleia/?

 Mr 10:14 But /de/ when Jesus /Iesous/ saw /eido/ it, he was much displeased /aganakteo/, and /kai/ said /epo/ unto them /autos/, Suffer /aphiemi/ the little children /paidion/ to come /erchomai/ unto /pros/ me /me/, and /kai/ forbid /koluo/ them /autos/ not /me/: for /gar/ of such /toioutos/ is /esti/ the kingdom /basileia/ of God /theos/.

 Mr 10:41 And /kai/ when the ten /deka/ heard /akouo/ it, they began /archomai/ to be much displeased /aganakteo/ with /peri/ James /Iakobos/ and /kai/ John /Ioannes/.

 Mr 14:4 And /de/ there were /en/ some /tis/ that had indignation /aganakteo/ within /pros/ themselves /heautou/, and /kai/ said /lego/, Why /eis/ /tis/ was /ginomai/ this /houtos/ waste /apoleia/ of the ointment /muron/ made /ginomai/?

 Lu 13:14 And /de/ the ruler of the synagogue /archisunagogos/ answered /apokrinomai/ with indignation /aganakteo/, because /hoti/ that Jesus /Iesous/ had healed /therapeuo/ on the sabbath /sabbaton/ day, and said /lego/ unto the people /ochlos/, There are /eisi/ six /hex/ days /hemera/ in /en/ which /hos/ men ought /dei/ to work /ergazomai/: in /en/ them /tautais/ therefore /oun/ come /erchomai/ and be healed /therapeuo/, and /kai/ not /me/ on the sabbath /sabbaton/ day /hemera/.


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