
G20.  agalliasis,  ag-al-lee’-as-is

from agalliao; exultation; specially, welcome:–gladness, (exceeding) joy.


Lu 1:14 And /kai/ thou /soi/ shalt have /esomai/ joy /chara/ and /kai/ gladness /agalliasis/; and /kai/ many /polus/ shall rejoice /chairo/ at /epi/ his /autos/ birth /gennesis/.

Lu 1:44 For /gar/, lo /idou/, as soon as /hos/ the voice /phone/ of thy /sou/ salutation /aspasmos/ sounded /ginomai/ in /eis/ mine /mou/ ears /ous/, the babe /brephos/ leaped /skirtao/ in /en/ my /mou/ womb /koilia/ for /en/ joy /agalliasis/.

Ac 2:46 And /te/ they, continuing /proskartereo/ daily /kata/ /hemera/ with one accord /homothumadon/ in /en/ the temple /hieron/, and /te/ breaking /klao/ bread /artos/ from /kata/ house to house /oikos/, did eat /metalambano/ their meat /trophe/ with /en/ gladness /agalliasis/ and /kai/ singleness /aphelotes/ of heart /kardia/, {from…: or, at home}

Heb 1:9 Thou hast loved /agapao/ righteousness /dikaiosune/, and /kai/ hated /miseo/ iniquity /anomia/; therefore /dia/ /touto/ God /theos/, even thy /sou/ God /theos/, hath anointed /chrio/ thee /se/ with the oil /elaion/ of gladness /agalliasis/ above /para/ thy /sou/ fellows /metochos/.

Jude 1:24 Now /de/ unto him that is able /dunamai/ to keep /phulasso/ you /humas/ /autos/ from falling /aptaistos/, and /kai/ to present /histemi/ you faultless /amomos/ before the presence /katenopion/ of his /autos/ glory /doxa/ with /en/ exceeding joy /agalliasis/,


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