
G21.  agalliao,  ag-al-lee-ah’-o

from agan (much) and hallomai; properly, to jump for joy, i.e. exult:–be (exceeding) glad, with exceeding joy, rejoice (greatly).


Mt 5:12 Rejoice /chairo/, and /kai/ be exceeding glad /agalliao/: for /hoti/ great /polus/ is your /humon/ reward /misthos/ in /en/ heaven /ouranos/: for /gar/ so /houto/ persecuted they /dioko/ the prophets /prophetes/ which /ho/ were before /pro/ you /humon/.

Lu 1:47 And /kai/ my /mou/ spirit /pneuma/ hath rejoiced /agalliao/ in /epi/ God /theos/ my /mou/ Saviour /soter/.

Lu 10:21 In /en/ that /autos/ hour /hora/ Jesus /Iesous/ rejoiced in /agalliao/ spirit /pneuma/, and /kai/ said /epo/, I thank /exomologeo/ thee /soi/, O Father /pater/, Lord /kurios/ of heaven /ouranos/ and /kai/ earth /ge/, that /hoti/ thou hast hid /apokrupto/ these things /tauta/ from /apo/ the wise /sophos/ and /kai/ prudent /sunetos/, and /kai/ hast revealed /apokalupto/ them /autos/ unto babes /nepios/: even so /nai/, Father /pater/; for /hoti/ so /houto/ it seemed /ginomai/ good /eudokia/ in /emprosthen/ thy /sou/ sight /emprosthen/.

Joh 5:35 He /ekeinos/ was /en/ a burning /kaio/ and /kai/ a shining /phaino/ light /luchnos/: and /de/ ye /humeis/ were willing /thelo/ for /pros/ a season /hora/ to rejoice /agalliao/ in /en/ his /autos/ light /phos/.

Joh 8:56 Your /humon/ father /pater/ Abraham /Abraam/ rejoiced /agalliao/ to /hina/ see /eido/ my /emos/ day /hemera/: and /kai/ he saw /eido/ it, and /kai/ was glad /chairo/.

Ac 2:26 Therefore /dia/ /touto/ did /euphraino/ my /mou/ heart /kardia/ rejoice /euphraino/, and /kai/ my /mou/ tongue /glossa/ was glad /agalliao/; moreover /de/ /eti/ also /kai/ my /mou/ flesh /sarx/ shall rest /kataskenoo/ in /epi/ hope /elpis/:

Ac 16:34 And /te/ when he had brought /anago/ them /autos/ into /eis/ his house /oikos/, he set /paratithemi/ meat /trapeza/ before them /paratithemi/, and /kai/ rejoiced /agalliao/, believing /pisteuo/ in God /theos/ with all /panoiki/ his /autos/ house /panoiki/.

1Pe 1:6 Wherein /en/ /hos/ ye greatly rejoice /agalliao/, though now /arti/ for a season /oligos/, if /ei/ need /dei/ be /esti/, ye are in heaviness /lupeo/ through /en/ manifold /poikilos/ temptations /peirasmos/:

1Pe 1:8 Whom /hos/ having /eido/ not /ou/ seen /eido/ /eido/, ye love /agapao/; in /eis/ whom /hos/, though now /arti/ ye see /horao/ him not /me/, yet /de/ believing /pisteuo/, ye rejoice /agalliao/ with joy /chara/ unspeakable /aneklaletos/ and /kai/ full of glory /doxazo/:

1Pe 4:13 But /alla/ rejoice /chairo/, inasmuch as /katho/ ye are partakers /koinoneo/ of Christ’s /Christos/ sufferings /pathema/; that /hina/, when /en/ his /autos/ glory /doxa/ shall be revealed /apokalupsis/, ye may be glad /chairo/ also /kai/ with exceeding joy /agalliao/.

Re 19:7 Let us be glad /chairo/ and /kai/ rejoice /agalliao/, and /kai/ give /didomi/ honour /doxa/ to him /autos/: for /hoti/ the marriage /gamos/ of the Lamb /arnion/ is come /erchomai/, and /kai/ his /autos/ wife /gune/ hath made /hetoimazo/ herself /heautou/ ready /hetoimazo/.


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