
G79. adelphe, ad-el-fay’

fem of adelphos; a sister (naturally or ecclesiastically):–sister.


Mt 12:50 For /gar/ whosoever /hostis/ /an/ shall do /poieo/ the will /thelema/ of my /mou/ Father /pater/ which /ho/ is in /en/ heaven /ouranos/, the same /autos/ is /esti/ my /mou/ brother /adelphos/, and /kai/ sister /adelphe/, and /kai/ mother /meter/.

Mt 13:56 And /kai/ his /autos/ sisters /adelphe/, are they /eisi/ not /ouchi/ all /pas/ with /pros/ us /hemas/? Whence /pothen/ then /oun/ hath this man /touto/ all /pas/ these things /tauta/?

Mt 19:29 And /kai/ every /pas/ one /hos/ that hath forsaken /aphiemi/ houses /oikia/, or /e/ brethren /adelphos/, or /e/ sisters /adelphe/, or /e/ father /pater/, or /e/ mother /meter/, or /e/ wife /gune/, or /e/ children /teknon/, or /e/ lands /agros/, for my /mou/ name’s /onoma/ sake /heneka/, shall receive /lambano/ an hundredfold /hekatontaplasion/, and /kai/ shall inherit /kleronomeo/ everlasting /aionios/ life /zoe/.

Mr 3:35 For /gar/ whosoever /hos/ /an/ shall do /poieo/ the will /thelema/ of God /theos/, the same /houtos/ is /esti/ my /mou/ brother /adelphos/, and /kai/ my /mou/ sister /adelphe/, and /kai/ mother /meter/.

Mr 6:3 Is /esti/ not /ou/ this /houtos/ the carpenter /tekton/, the son /huios/ of Mary /Maria/, /de/ the brother /adelphos/ of James /Iakobos/, and /kai/ Joses /Ioses/, and /kai/ of Juda /Ioudas/, and /kai/ Simon /Simon/? and /kai/ are /eisi/ not /ou/ his /autos/ sisters /adelphe/ here /hode/ with /pros/ us /hemas/? And /kai/ they were offended /skandalizo/ at /en/ him /autos/. {offended: scandalized in, or, by him}

Mr 10:29 And /de/ Jesus /Iesous/ answered /apokrinomai/ and said /epo/, Verily /amen/ I say /lego/ unto you /humin/, There is /esti/ no man /oudeis/ that /hos/ hath left /aphiemi/ house /oikia/, or /e/ brethren /adelphos/, or /e/ sisters /adelphe/, or /e/ father /pater/, or /e/ mother /meter/, or /e/ wife /gune/, or /e/ children /teknon/, or /e/ lands /agros/, for my /emou/ sake /heneka/, and /kai/ the gospel’s /euaggelion/,

Mr 10:30 But /ean me/ he shall receive /lambano/ an hundredfold /hekatontaplasion/ now /nun/ in /en/ this /touto/ time /kairos/, houses /oikia/, and /kai/ brethren /adelphos/, and /kai/ sisters /adelphe/, and /kai/ mothers /meter/, and /kai/ children /teknon/, and /kai/ lands /agros/, with /meta/ persecutions /diogmos/; and /kai/ in /en/ the world /aion/ to come /erchomai/ eternal /aionios/ life /zoe/.

Lu 10:39 And /kai/ she /hode/ had /en/ a sister /adelphe/ called /kaleo/ Mary /Maria/, which /hos/ also /kai/ sat /parakathizo/ at /para/ Jesus /Iesous/’ feet /pous/, and heard /akouo/ his /autos/ word /logos/.

Lu 10:40 But /de/ Martha /Martha/ was cumbered /perispao/ about /peri/ much /polus/ serving /diakonia/, and /de/ came to him /ephistemi/, and said /epo/, Lord /kurios/, dost /melo/ thou /soi/ not /ou/ care /melo/ that /hoti/ my /mou/ sister /adelphe/ hath left /kataleipo/ me /me/ to serve /diakoneo/ alone /monos/? bid /epo/ her /autos/ therefore /oun/ that /hina/ she help /sunantilambanomai/ me /moi/.

Lu 14:26 If any /ei tis/ man come /erchomai/ to /pros/ me /me/, and /kai/ hate /miseo/ not /ou/ his /heautou/ father /pater/, and /kai/ mother /meter/, and /kai/ wife /gune/, and /kai/ children /teknon/, and /kai/ brethren /adelphos/, and /kai/ sisters /adelphe/, yea /eti/, and /de/ his own /heautou/ life /psuche/ also /kai/, he cannot /ou/ /dunamai/ be /einai/ my /mou/ disciple /mathetes/.

Joh 11:1 / Now /de/ a certain /tis/ man was /en/ sick /astheneo/, named Lazarus /Lazaros/, of /apo/ Bethany /Bethania/, /ek/ the town /kome/ of Mary /Maria/ and /kai/ her /autos/ sister /adelphe/ Martha /Martha/.

Joh 11:3 Therefore /oun/ his sisters /adelphe/ sent /apostello/ unto /pros/ him /autos/, saying /lego/, Lord /kurios/, behold /ide/, he whom /hos/ thou lovest /phileo/ is sick /astheneo/.

Joh 11:5 Now /de/ Jesus /Iesous/ loved /agapao/ Martha /Martha/, and /kai/ her /autos/ sister /adelphe/, and /kai/ Lazarus /Lazaros/.

Joh 11:28 And /kai/ when she had /epo/ so /tauta/ said /epo/, she went her way /aperchomai/, and /kai/ called /phoneo/ Mary /Maria/ her /autos/ sister /adelphe/ secretly /lathra/, saying /epo/, The Master /didaskalos/ is come /pareimi/, and /kai/ calleth for /phoneo/ thee /se/.

Joh 11:39 Jesus /Iesous/ said /lego/, Take ye away /airo/ the stone /lithos/. Martha /Martha/, the sister /adelphe/ of him that was dead /thnesko/, saith /lego/ unto him /autos/, Lord /kurios/, by this time /ede/ he stinketh /ozo/: for /gar/ he hath been /esti/ dead four days /tetartaios/.

Joh 19:25 Now /de/ there stood /histemi/ by /para/ the cross /stauros/ of Jesus /Iesous/ his /autos/ mother /meter/, and /kai/ his /autos/ mother’s /meter/ sister /adelphe/, Mary /Maria/ the wife /ho/ of Cleophas /Klopas/, and /kai/ Mary /Maria/ Magdalene /Magdalene/. {Cleophas: or, Clopas}

Ac 23:16 And /de/ when Paul’s /Paulos/ sister’s /adelphe/ son /huios/ heard /akouo/ of their lying in wait /enedron/, he went /paraginomai/ and /kai/ entered /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ the castle /parembole/, and told /apaggello/ Paul /Paulos/.

Ro 16:1 //de/ I commend /sunistao/ unto you /humin/ Phebe /Phoibe/ our /hemon/ sister /adelphe/, which is /on/ a servant /diakonos/ of the church /ekklesia/ which /ho/ is at /en/ Cenchrea /Kegchreai/:

Ro 16:15 Salute /aspazomai/ Philologus /Philologos/, and /kai/ Julia /Ioulia/, Nereus /Nereus/, and /kai/ his /autos/ sister /adelphe/, and /kai/ Olympas /Olumpas/, and /kai/ all /pas/ the saints /hagios/ which are with /sun/ them /autos/.

1Co 7:15 But /de/ if /ei/ the unbelieving /apistos/ depart /chorizo/, let him depart /chorizo/. A brother /adelphos/ or /e/ a sister /adelphe/ is /douloo/ not /ou/ under bondage /douloo/ in /en/ such /toioutos/ cases: but /de/ God /theos/ hath called /kaleo/ us /hemas/ to /en/ peace /eirene/. {to peace: Gr. in peace}

1Co 9:5 Have we /echo/ not /me ouk/ power /exousia/ to lead about /periago/ a sister /adelphe/, a wife /gune/, as well as /hos/ /kai/ other /loipoy/ apostles /apostolos/, and /kai/ as the brethren /adelphos/ of the Lord /kurios/, and /kai/ Cephas /Kephas/? {wife: or, woman}

1Ti 5:2 The elder women /presbuteros/ as /hos/ mothers /meter/; the younger /neos/ as /hos/ sisters /adelphe/, with /en/ all /pas/ purity /hagneia/.

Jas 2:15 If /ean/ /de/ a brother /adelphos/ or /e/ sister /adelphe/ be /huparcho/ naked /gumnos/, and /kai/ destitute /leipo/ /o/ of daily /ephemeros/ food /trophe/,

2Jo 1:13 The children /teknon/ of thy /sou/ elect /eklektos/ sister /adelphe/ greet /aspazomai/ thee /se/. Amen /amen/.


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