Adam and Eve disobey God Quiz

This quiz is based on the story of Adam and Eve and their disobedience to God recorded in Genesis 2:7-9, Genesis 2:15-23, and Genesis 3:1-19 (ESV). NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. What did God use to create man?
2. How did man become a living creature?
3. God planted a garden in Eden. Where was Eden?
4. Which of these was also in the middle of the garden of Eden?
5. Why did God put Adam in the garden of Eden?
6. What commandment did God give Adam about what he should not eat?
7. Everything God did was good. However, what did God say was not good?
8. Who gave names to the living things God created?
9. Which of these was in the middle of the garden of Eden?
10. What was Adam doing when God took one of his ribs?
11. What did God do with the rib He took from Adam?
12. God created a female and brought her to Adam. Adam gave her the name 'woman'. Why did he give her such a name?
13. Which animal was described as being craftier than any other animal God has made?
14. What repercussion will come upon Adam and Eve if they disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit?
15. Which of these words of the serpent was false?
16. God had not created Eve at the time He gave the command to Adam about what not to eat. How did Eve get to know this command?
17. What made Adam and Eve go to hide?
18. Who did Eve blame for her disobedience?
19. Who did Adam blame for his disobedience?
20. What was Eve to Adam?


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