What is the meaning of Acts 9:10-12?

10 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord. 11 And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth, 12 And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight. (Acts 9:10-12 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Observe here, 1. Though Christ converted Saul himself, yet Ananias his minister must instruct him. By Christ is grace infused, but by his ministers increased; such an honour doth Christ put upon the ministers of the gospel, that he makes use of their endeavours ordinarily both for the production and augmentation of grace in the hearts of his people.

O, the necessity and usefulness of a standing ministry! It is a singular favour to have men like ourselves; and behold the honour that God puts upon the ministers, in using them as conduit pipes, for conveying the water of life to us, which he is not pleased to communicate immediately from himself!

Observe, 2. What an exact knowledge the Lord has of particular persons and particular places: he tells Ananias in what city Saul was, in Damascus; in what street he was, in the street called Straight; in whose house he was, in the house of Judas.

It is matter of consolation, yea of highest consolation to the children of God, to know and remember that God knows them, that God knows their persons, knows their purposes, knows their performances, knows their place of abode; that he knows who they are, what they do, and where they dwell.

It assures them as to their persons, that they shall be accepted; as to their performances, that they shall be rewarded; as to their habitations, that they shall be loved, blessed, and protected by him.

So dear are the holy servant of God unto him, that he loves the very streets in which they lodge, the house in which they dwell; the walls of their habitation are always before him, and he delights continually to look upon them. Let holiness to the Lord then be always written in fair and legible characters upon the walls of our houses, Zec 14:10.

Observe, 3. The course which Almighty God takes to remove all fear from Ananias’s mind, and to encourage him to go to Saul, according to the direction given him; although he had been such a bloody persecutor, he tells him, that, Behold, he prayeth.; as if he had said, “Though he has been bad, he is not now what he was, he is another man; nay, he is a new man, he is truly and thoroughly converted; and this is the undeniable evidence and testimony of it, That whereas before he persecuted, now he prayeth: “Behold, he prayeth.”

Learn thence, That spiritual breath is a good sign of spiritual birth: none of God’s children are still-born, they all come crying into the world. The duty of prayer faithfully and perseveringly performed, is a good evidence that a soul is thoroughly converted and brought home by repentance unto God; Behold, Saul prayeth!

But did he never pray till now? Yes, no doubt, many a time; when he was a strict Pharisee, he prayed after a loose and customary manner; but he never prayed so sensibly and feelingly, so spiritually and affectionately, so fervently and perseveringly before, as he did after his conversion. His prayer before was the cry of the old, now of the new creature; before, he prayed with coldness and indifferency, now, he prays with warmth and fervency, as a person in earnest for his soul’s happiness and salvation; therefore, Christ brings it in with a note of attention and observation: Now, Behold, he prayeth!