Acts 8 Quiz

This quiz is based on Acts chapter 8 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save your score and track your progress.

1. According to Acts 8, which important Jewish figure consented to the death of Stephen?
2. Why did the Christians scatter abroad from Jerusalem?
3. Which Christians stayed in Jerusalem during the time that many Christians traveled out of Jerusalem?
4. Those who took Stephen's corpse and buried it were described as what?
5. Which Jewish figure persecuted Christians by going from house to house to arrest them?
6. What did the Jews who left Jerusalem and scattered abroad do at the places where they went?
7. According to Acts 8, during the time when Christians left Jerusalem in numbers, they scattered abroad over which places?
8. Where did Philip go to win souls?
9. Aside from preaching, what did Philip do to win the people?
10. What was the name of the sorcerer who used magic to amaze the people of Samaria?
11. Why did the people of Samaria regard Simon the sorcerer?
12. Which apostles came to Samaria to impart the Holy Spirit to the believers?
13. How did the apostles impart the Holy Spirit to the believers?
14. Who converted the famous sorcerer at Samaria?
15. After the born-again sorcerer sought to buy the power of God but failed, what did Peter say was wrong with him?
16. What did the born-again sorcerer seek to have for which reason he wanted to offer the apostles money?
17. Who reacted and said to the born-again sorcerer, "Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money."?
18. What did Peter tell the born-again sorcerer to do after he had sinned by attempting to buy the power of God?
19. What did the born-again sorcerer, upon realizing his sin, request the apostles to do for him?
20. Where else did the two apostles who were sent to Samaria go to preach the word of God according to Acts 8?
21. Who told Philip to go to the road between Jerusalem and Gaza?
22. Who was the queen of Ethiopia at the time of Philip the evangelist?
23. What was the Ethiopian eunuch to the queen of Ethiopia?
24. What scripture was the Ethiopian eunuch reading?
25. Who told Philip to get near the chariot of the Ethiopian eunuch?
26. Which city was the Ethiopian eunuch coming from?
27. Who wrote the scripture which the Ethiopian eunuch was reading?
28. What did Philip make the eunuch believe to become a Christian?
29. At what point did Philip disappear?
30. Where did Philip appear when he disappeared?


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