What is the meaning of Acts 8:11-13?

11 And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries. 12 But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. 13 Then Simon himself believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done. (Acts 8:11-13 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Observe here, 1. How long a time this vile sorcerer, by God’s permission, and Stan’s power, wrought these lying wonders among the people: He had of a long time bewitched them with sorceries, Ac 8:11. Deceivers are not always suddenly detected, and drossy hypocrites are not presently discovered; but the vizor will drop off sooner or later.

Observe, 2. That where the true knowledge of God comes, and the clear light of the gospel shines, there gross impieties and impostures, there cheats and delusions will be found out, detested and abhorred: When they believed Philip’s preaching, they were baptized, both men and women. Where the light shines, Satan falls as lightning; magic vanishes. This Dragon cannot stand before the ark of God: When the people of Ephesus received the gospel; they soom made a bonfire of their magic books, Ac 19:19.

Observe, 3. The success of the gospel preached by Philip ; the people believed, and were baptized, both men and women.

Mark , 1. Believed, and then baptized; these were adult, or grown persons, not infants, and they were heathenish idolators, strangers to the covenant; and therefore must believe the gospel, and profess their faith in Christ, before their baptism. Baptism is not to be administered to any that are out of the visible church, till they profess their faith in Christ, and obedience to him.

Mark , 2. The persons baptized were women as well as men; When they believed Philip, they were baptized both men and women. Women under the gospel are capable of the seal of the covenant as well as men. Under the law they were not; then they were circumcised in the men: Now they are baptized for themselves: They were baptized both men and women.

Observe, 4. A great and sudden change wrought in Simon himself, by the preaching of Philip; He believed also, and was baptized: Behold, the sorcerer is become a professor a believer, a baptized person. The gospel preached may have a common operation upon a soul, where it never produced inward sanctification. All that are by the gospel proselyted are not savingly converted. All are not good fish that are inclosed in the gospel’s net; but some fish, some trash. As there will be wheat and tares on the same field, chaff and corn on the same floor; so will there be some saints and some sinners in the purest earthly church.

Observe, lastly, Upon a bare profession of faith, Simon Magus is baptized.

Learn thence, That outward profession justly gains admission into the Christian congregation, and gives a person right to external ordinances; De occultis nonjudicat ecclesia. “The church’s judgment is a judgment of charity, not of certainty;” of the outward, not of the inward man; of the life, not of the heart. The faith of Simon Magus was no other than a temporary, historical, yea, hypocritical faith: however, Philip baptizes him upon his making profession of it. An heart hypocrite is no hypocrite (in foro ecclesia) in the sight of the church, though most abominable in the sight of God. Simeon the unsound professor was more edious in the sight of God then Simon the sorcerer.